4. Lindsey Says Periods Can Go Suffer in Hell

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Double update bitches, enjoy.


Lindsey, so far, was not having a particularly good day. Every day wasn't a good day if you were an elf, which, she was, but today the universe just seemed to be against her. First, her period started, and although she could numb the pain of the cramps with her magic, it was still rather annoying.

Not to mention, her vagina was bleeding so much you might as well have though she'd been stabbed. But at least it kept the humans away from her-she figured it was the only positive side, so she might as well count it.

Then, some guard groped her, and the only thing that kept her from punching him in the fucking face was the fact that she needed to keep her place in the castle. After that, some other guard she found herself despising quite quickly, beat one of the younger ones, Gerard. And she could just barely contain her anger.

Poor boy, Lindsey thought sadly, he didn't deserve to be treated like that. It saddened her further to know that it was not the first nor the last time that it would happen to him. She didn't want him to hurt, and when he was-she had decided to help.

But despite that she didn't regret using her powers, she was afraid of what will happen to him if anyone found out; they would blame him of course. Even if they knew he didn't know how to use his magic.

They simply didn't care, they would rather just use him as an example for what would happen to elves that went against the crown.

They would beat him, they would pull the leash on him-Lindsey shuddered uncomfortably at the thought-and they'd torture him until he would plead for death; Lindsey already seen it happen to others. Not many, thank the gods, but still, it was a scarring image.

And then of course there was Pete, who just couldn't wait another five minutes. Lindsey was nervous, she didn't want the elves to think less of her because she was friends with a guard, she didn't want Gerard to tell anyone about it. Even if she knew he wouldn't, whether because it was just who he was, or because of the sleep she had inflicted and pushed upon him.

He didn't realize what she had done, Lindsey knew he didn't, he wasn't used to elven magic being used like that. He probably only knew it in the form of healing little bruises and scraped knees. He hadn't even used his own.

So it was no surprise to Lindsey that he didn't think any differently of the sudden urge to sleep. She wasn't happy that she'd used it on him-it was his magic too, it shouldn't be used against him.

Even if she had used it for his own good; Lindsey wanted him to live to see whatever change would come. And he wouldn't be able to if he opened his mouth when he shouldn't.

Lindsey wanted him to live to see a change, because she knew she would fight for that change, she was fighting already; and she hoped and prayed to all of her gods that it was working. She refused to let more elves live like this, grow up like this.

It sickened Lindsey, to know that there were elves who had to live in fear every moment of their lives, had to keep their heads down and bodies as small as possible to go unnoticed by the predatory eyes of humans.

Humans didn't deserve elves, they were magical, magnificent and beautiful, they shouldn't have to live in shame.

Lindsey's heart twisted every time she thought of it, of the number of elves they lost every year, all because of humans. Beatings, infections, pregnancies that went out of hand, and the one that saddened her most of all; suicide.

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