Ch 31: Legal Matters and Truth

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"Youre going to do just fine baby." Chris said. "I believe in you. Now skadattle." He said. "Thanks baby." I said as I walked out. We waved by and Mel and I left. "I'll be in there with you. Youre not alone in there." Mel said as we walked in. "I have my case. I'll be okay." I reassured myself. Mel hugged me before she took her seat and I walked to the front and took my seat.


Mel hugged me before she took her seat and I walked to the front and took my seat. My lawyer sat beside me and he quickly told me.what I needed to know. I nodded. After a minute the judge came in. We all rose as we were supossed to and sat when we could.

(I dont know much about court cases so stick with me on this. Im trying.)

"We are reviewing the case of Elaina Carroll and Skylar Mackenzie today." The judge said to everyone in the room. "Ms. Mackenzie. Ms. Carroll. I expect respect and control in my courtroom." He said sternly. "Yes sir." I said quickly. Elaina only nodded. "Ms. Carroll you will give your testimony then Ms. Mackenzie you will give yours."

"Yes sir." I said.

"Skylar. Ms. Mackenzie and I used to be business partners. She was always a step above me. She was always in my way and rubbed her fame in my face. So I put her in her place. I gave her what she deserved." Elaina said rudely. My anger was rising. But I did as the judge asked and kept my order. "Ms. Mackenzie. Would you give your testimony now?" The judge asked. "Yes sir." I said.

"As Ms. Carroll said we were business partners. We used to work together. I was always a step above her yes. I am a famous model and music influencer. But I do not like the attention I get and wiuld never rub it in someones face. I keep it out of the picture. Ms. Carroll on many occasions told me she would destroy everything I love. She burnt down the modeling company and blew my truck up. Along with my uncles vehicle. She ruined my life." I said. Recontaining my anger.

"Ms. Mackenzie. Would you come to the stand?" The judge asked. "Yes sir." I got up and walked to the stand as Elaina's lawyer got ready to ask me questions. "Ms. Mackenzie. You said it was true you were alwaus a step above Ms. Carroll?" She asked me. "Yes." I amswered. "Did you have anything against my client while you were employed with her?" She asked. "No."

"Do you have or did you have any hateful feelings torwards my client?" She asked. "No. Only a bit of disdain when she blew my truck up and ruined my life." I answered truthfully. "So. You had nothing against her before her actions?" She asked again. "No." I said shortly. "Skylar. If I may call you that." She said. I nodded. "Skylar. You mentioned she said she would destroy everything you loved. How did you feel when she told you?" She asked. "Taken back. Angry. Confused." I answered remembering the first time she told me. "What happened before she said that?" Elaina's lawyer asked.

"I had gotten the show she wanted. I was the top pick. I didnt realize how much it had meant to her. She became jealous and tried to ruin my career everyday since then. I guess she got what she wanted most." I said looking down. "Is that all you want to say Ms. Mackenzie?" The judge asked me. "May I approach Ms. Carroll?" I asked. The judge said yes as did Elaina. "For whatever I did to you that was so bad. Im sorry. I didnt know how important that show was to you. But I only have one question. What did I do that was so wrong?" I asked Elaina taking a few steps backwards out of respect for her. I returned to my seat by the judge and he nodded at me. I nodded back.

"Ms. Carroll? Would you like to answer?" He asked her. Her lawyer returned to her seat as my lawyer looked at me approvingly. We all waitied for her to explain.

"Skylar. I never hated you. You did nothing wrong. My mother placed her hate into my heart. She told me if I didnt get that show I would regret it. When you got it her anger became my own. I said I would ruin your life because my mother ruined mine. I took my pain out on you and took everything from you. Litterally. Everything." She said. I was taken back and confused. "Everything? You dont know what was taken from me beside what you took." I said furrowing my eye brows.

"Your car. Your career. Your mom. Your hope. Your faith. Your will to live. I took them all from you. I took everything from you. Because my mom took all of it from me. I took everythign from you because my mom killed herself because I failed and dissapointed her." Elaina said. When she said my mother my fists clenched.

"My mother? How did you know? I never told anyone." I said.

Elaina stood up and walked to the middle of the room holding up her hands. "As for the rest of the stuff I took from you I am sorry for. And that can be forgiven. But for what im about to confess. I will never be forgiven." She said getting on her knees keeping her hands up.

"I Elaina Jolee Carroll confess infront of the court of law to the murder of Jessica Mackenzie and her son." Elaina said. I started crying and fell to the floor. "How!?" I yelled at her through my sobs. "I traveled there. And crashed a vehicle into theirs and fled before anyone arrived." She said. "Elaina. For the rest of your life I hope this guilt finds you and you live with it. Knowing two innocent peoples blood is on your hands. And possibly even more. I will never forgive you. And you will suffer with the guilt of knowing what you have done." I said hatefully. "Life sentence. For the murder of two innocent lives and grand arsony. Life in prison no bale!" The judge exclaimed angirly slamming his gavel down.

"Skylar. Find in your heart to remember your mother. Remember her love." Elaina screamed to me over angry shouts at her. I just sat in the floor in shock unable to cry, move, speak, or anything. I just sat there. Like a statue. I felt arms wrap around me but I didnt move. I couldnt move. After the room had gone quiet I finally moved. Mel, the judge and a few police officers were left in the room.

"Mel?" I asked my voice breaking. "Right here. These officers are going to escort us home." She said wiling her tears. Just then my breath stopped. I couldnt breathe or think. My heart sped up and kept speeding up. I put my hand on her shoulder and patted my chest trying to take a breath. "She has a condition. Her heart can stop for a few seconds she needs to calm down. Can you help?" She asked an officer. "Wrap your arms around her and hold her. Tell her its okay. Shes not alone. Whisper to her. Does she have a boyfriend? A husband?" The officer asked. "Yes." Mel said. "Call him!" She exclaimed quickly. "Take some water hun." The judge said handing me water.

I took a few drinks and calmed down a bit. Chris didnt answer. "No answer." She said. She wrapped her arms around me tighter. "Im okay." I said after a few minutes. "Just shocked. I didnt know that following my dreams was hurting her. Bad enough that she had felt like she had to destroy everything I had." I said wiping my tears. "Lets go home." I said standing up.

The officers escorted us home and gave me a quick sorry speech. By time we got home it was almost 3 pm. "Can we not talk about this? To anyone." I asked. "When youre ready." Mel said as she opened the door.

"Hey baby. You okay?" Chris greeted me when we walked in. "Im just tired. I'm gonna go sleep for a while. I love you." I said as I gave Chris a smile and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too." Chris said. His voice was full of worry. I walked upstairs and went to my room instead of Chris's room. Quietly shutting and locking my door behind me. I just wanted this day to be over.

I slipped out of these clothes into a oversized shirt and some shorts and slipped into bed. I plugged my phone in and played some music as I fell asleep. I slowly felt myself being pulled away from the conscious world. As I fell into a deep sleep. And I didnt want to wake up to face anyone.

1,520 words

More truth? Is it the whole truth? I am ad Elaina got what she deserved.

Poor Skylar.

It just never stops.

I couldn't be more thankful for all of the people who has been reading and voting on my story! Its amazing! Thank you all so so so much!!!!

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