Coffee Sounds Good (DmC Dante, PG-13)

744 14 31

For guitaristchick1211 -- I'm sorry that it took me so long to get this out for you. I really wanted to do your prompt justice and I had a little bit of trouble figuring out how to get started. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I had fun writing it.

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Request: Dante (DmC) falls for another Nephilim, but Vergil is drawn to her as well.  (Or the request where) Another Nephilim has a crush on Dante, but is hesitant to say anything because of his 'reputation with the ladies'. Little does she know that Dante has strong feelings for her as well, he's just scared to fall in love.

Pairing: Dante (DmC) x Charlotte (OC)

Rating: PG-13

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Charlotte thought that she was alone until she met Vergil. When he followed her out of the classroom, out the backdoor of a local yogurt spot, and down a dark alley, she had been convinced that he was another demon. It turned out that she was partially right; half, in fact. From that moment, instead of being cursed to walk the streets of Limbo City alone until the day that the demons disposed of her as they did her parents, she counted herself blessed that she could instead walk the streets with a friend. Another Nephilim.

Years passed and the two Nephilim became inseparable. Vergil convinced Charlotte to join him in founding The Order to overthrow the demons and free humanity from their rule, because, he said, only a Nephilim could defeat the demon king.

So, they got to work. With the millions that Vergil made writing his security encryption software, purchasing a warehouse and employing the best and brightest in Limbo City had been down-right easy. There was only one piece missing: Vergil's brother.


Where Vergil was calm, collected, and calculating, Dante was impulsive, blunt, chaotic. He rocked into The Order beside Kat like some punky god of the underworld, oozing confidence and a devil-may-care attitude. He had been rough then, unable or unwilling to let his guard down and trust anyone after years spent fighting the demonic hoard that was inexhaustibly drawn to him.

Slowly but surely, however, Dante opened up. First to Kat, then to his brother, and finally, to Charlotte – or, Charlie, as he'd decided to call her.

It was hard for Charlie to pinpoint when their friendship had started, but she would guess that it was when they were sent on their first job together, earning his trust fighting back-to-back against wave of Limbo's worst. Dante wasn't the only one who could fight, after all, and although Charlie preferred to stay at HQ, sometimes missions were a two-Nephilim job.

Since that day, Dante and Charlie had become nearly as inseparable as Charlie and Vergil had been – the latter brother now hidden away in his office more often than not.

And that's where the feelings began.

The trickled in slowly, manifesting in stollen glances, the brushing of shoulders, and the odd blush, steadily growing as Dante softened around his edges and lowered his walls to let his new friends in until Charlie was caught up in a current, unable to escape the churning anxiety, attraction, and general giddiness.

A crush. Breathtaking. Undeniable. One-sided.

Vergil had been the one to take the wind out of her sales. He observed the closeness that blossomed between his brother and Charlotte at first with interest, and then with growing irritation. This wasn't a part of his plan. It would not do.

He took it upon himself to make sure that Dante and Charlotte remained at arm's length. It was simple, really. In the end, all he'd had to do was send Dante on a late-night job and Charlotte had come asking where he'd gone. He'd taken it upon himself to inform her of Dante's old habits, playing up his reputation with the ladies and suggesting that he was out at some club. He acted shocked when Charlotte's face fell and she said that she hadn't known, gave her a sad smile, and reassured her that he was always there for her if she needed.

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