2 - hero basic training

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"don't underestimate me"

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"don't underestimate me"


2 days later...

"I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!"

The cool and flashy number 1 hero made his way into the classroom. Everyone got excited as their eyes quickly averted to the front door, recognizing All Might's strong and bold voice.

"So All Might really is a teacher!" Kirishima exclaimed. "This year is going to be awesome!"

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High. You will learn the basics of being a pro, isn't that exciting?! So, let's begin!"

"But first! When it comes to being a hero, you have to look the part! Here are your costumes, suit up and meet me at Training Ground Beta!" He gestured to the back of the room, where the custom-made, student-selected hero costumes were displayed in the costume cases.

"Yes sir!" The students yelled enthusiastically.

"Yes sir!" The students yelled enthusiastically

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- Training Ground Beta -

Watching the first match made Tanaka nervous. It was so intense.

Bakugou and Iida vs. Midoriya and Uraraka.

"Why is Bakugou so aggressive? It's almost scary." She commented. Watching him hurt Midoriya as if he were nothing... it was so brutal that even the emotionally confused Tanaka herself didn't want to watch a second more of it.

Kaminari rolled his eyes, "He's kinda scary but uber-talented, it makes me nauseous."

Tanaka couldn't help but agree with him. He has a very intimidating aura. Fighting wise, he seems a bit reckless but really, Bakugou is thinking things through, his every movement calculated and precise. Anyone can tell he's an experienced fighter.

But why is he so hostile towards Midoriya? Tanaka's not one to concern herself with other people, but it's almost terrifying how much hatred he has for Midoriya.

Maybe they've known each other before UA? That's the most logical explanation.

"All Might Sensei, can't you do something about this? He could end up killing him!" Ashido cried out.

"I don't know about that. We're supposed to be saving people, not killing them—obviously—and I'm sure he's aware of that. But for the most part, he's playing his part as a villain." Yaoyorozu said. "Though his current situation will cost him the match if he's focused on one opponent... Uraraka's headed towards Iida right now."

Everyone turned to All Might, who appears to be sweating, hands quivering as he's holding onto the mic. His lips are slightly parted as if he wants to say something, but no words are coming out. "Uh sensei? Are you okay?" Tanaka asked.

"Maybe he has to poop," Kaminari said casually, making some of the students laugh.

In the midst of their conversation, the building suddenly began to fall apart. "Wha-?! What's happening?!"

The students turned their attention onto the big screen. It was Midoriya... The air pressure from a single punch practically destroyed the entire building! The blow was so severe that his arm was mangled to the point where it seemed like the bone in his arm broke into several pieces. How much power can one person have? And at what cost—breaking his body every time he uses it?

Team Midoriya had the advantage now, since Uraraka could use her quirk. As expected, she utilized her quirk to float the debris around her and use it against Iida.

Jumping onto the weapon, she's secured it after defeating him. Team Midoriya won.

"Well... that was quite an interesting first match."


Now happening was Todoroki and Tanaka's match against Ojiro and Koda.

Tanaka looked around as the two walked into the building, "So... I have an idea. I was thinking, since our opponents mig-"

"I would advise that you leave for your safety," Todoroki walked up to the wall, placing his right hand on it.

"Huh? W-"

Before the final words could leave her mouth, he froze the entire building, along with the lower half of Tanaka's body, in an instant. "I warned you." He walked away, heading upstairs to retrieve the weapon.

The stoic Tanaka from less than a minute ago was gone. She was now irritated by his aloof attitude. "You almost froze my hair... and now you think you're going to win this thing for us?" She yelled. "I don't think so! Don't think for a minute that I'll just sit here and let you do all of the work!"

"What can you do from there? You're frozen—"

Her hair flowed wildly once she activated her quirk. Before he could make out what was happening, she was already running right past him and up the stairs. Once she reached the third floor and noticed a frozen Koda and Ojiro, she ran up to the weapon and defrosted the building just as quick as Todoroki froze it.

Tanaka bowed once she secured the weapon. "I'm so sorry, my partner didn't even let you guys fight."

Ojiro smiled, accepting defeat. "It's fine! This just goes to show how much I need to improve."

"Yeah, it's okay," Koda nodded shyly. It was then that Aiko realized that they are one in the same. He was a guy of very few words. She nodded back, and bowed once more.

"If you're so strong, why did you score so low on the quick assessment test?" Todoroki asked once he made it up the stairs.

"Well, it's kinda hard to explain..."

Bakugou and the rest of the group watched from the spectating room. "The heroes win!" All Might announced.

As the rest of the class cheered, Bakugou had felt something he's not too familiar with.


Watching Todoroki and Tanaka beat the 'villains' and barely lifting a finger doing so must've triggered an inferiority complex within him.

They got praise from his classmates, he got backlash.

They handled their battle well and responsibly, Bakugou got overwhelmed by hate.

They won, he failed.

"Can I even... beat those two?"

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