8 - teaming up! internships pt. 2

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"tough times don't last, but tough teams do"

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"tough times don't last, but tough teams do"

internships: day 3 of 5.

"Bakugou, Seraphina, listen up," Best Jeanist claps to get their attention. The two fledging heroes rush over to see what he has to say.

The pro hero, the two interns and company were out on a patrol when a group of gangsters suddenly attacked the city. The cause of their attack is uncertain. Of course, the number four hero and others were able to take them down with ease; the villains must not have realized that such strong pros were nearby. On top of that, the police rushed to the scene with a quickness to provide assistance in detaining the group of bandits.

"I need you guys to stand back, this could be dangerous. Patrol this area further and make sure nothing sketchy is going on around here." He says as he uses his threads to apprehend the villains. "If you do just so happen to find something or even run into a villain, do not engage. Come find me immediately."

The two interns hesitate before they answer. "Yes, Best Jeanist, sir..." they dragged out sluggishly.

As the pair turn around to walk away, he suddenly captures the both of them with his quirk, and damn, those fibers are strong. "What did I say?"

"Do not engage!" They shout.

"Good. Now get out there."


"Do not engage, my ass. This is so stupid... I can't believe I'm working with you right now, doing this boring ass shit," Bakugou sulks, kicking a rock out of his way.

Aiko looks at him, making a face of disgust. "...Are you dumb?"

"Who are you calling dumb, you four-faceted fuckfaced freak?!"

She bursts out into a fit of laughter. "Your nicknames for me are getting more and more strange." A moment of silence passes by before Aiko speaks again. "Anyway, you might as well get used to it. We might have to team up more often in the future, especially when we're pros."

"That's if you even make it that far," he teases.

"Oh, I most definitely will. Can you say the same about you, though?" She questions. "You might be a prodigy, but that attitude of yours..."

"What about it?" He asks.

Because of this internship, Bakugou has been warming up to Aiko, little by little. He doesn't full-on ignore her anymore, so that's a good thing; he, at the very least, treats her like a person. That said, they're still not at the point of considering each other friends, and Aiko's okay with that. Rather, they're just classmates who picked the same internship and live near each other, and that's the only thing keeping them so close right now.

Suddenly, they hear a loud noise, and the sound of a woman cursing over and over again, as if she was throwing a tantrum. They both snap their heads over in that direction. For a few seconds, they look at each other without a word, but their faces say it all.

seraphina // k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now