3 - attack on the USJ

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"if there's no struggle, there's no progress"

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"if there's no struggle, there's no progress"


"Nice job Todoroki, Tanaka!" The class huddled around the two of them, including Koda and Ojiro. Bakugou was thinking to himself in the back of the room, away from everyone else.

"Please, just call me Aiko," the collected and reserved girl said to the rest, fidgeting with first aid capsules on the waist of her hero costume. "I would feel much more comfortable."

Todoroki glanced at her for a second, puzzled.

"Well then, good job Todoroki and Aiko. You guys did great!" The energetic Mina congratulated the two of them, jumping up and down. "Iida, you did great too!"

"Yes, congratulations on your victory! We have 2 more matches, then your first basic training will be complete!" All Might announced.


A few days later, they've arrived at the USJ, ready for more hero rescue training exercises. The moment Aiko and the rest of the class has been waiting for is now upon them: even more hero training. How exciting!

As Thirteen explained the basics and areas in the USJ, Aiko looked around. There's a ruins zone, landslide zone, flood zone, mountain zone, and everything in between in just one facility. Where does UA even get the money to build something like this?

As Aiko was lost in thought, in awe by the facility, the main event had already begun. The word "Villains?" was enough to bring her back to reality.

She turned her attention to her freaked out classmates, then to the center of the facility.

And that's when it started...

The attack on the USJ.

~~~ a few minutes later...

Just minutes earlier, a villain did something to her and her classmates. But now, Aiko was screaming at the top of her lungs, falling from some type of portal.

She squinted her eyes shut, ready to brace herself as she fell, but to her surprise, she didn't touch the ground.

She slowly opened her eyes, suddenly feeling really cold. Scanning her area, she noticed one of her classmates. She gasped, seeing Todoroki standing right in front of her. He created a slide out of ice to soften her landing. "Todoroki! Thanks, you saved me!"

"Don't mention it. If you fell, that probably would've left a big bruise," he said. "But just so you know, we're not alone here."

Aiko shifted her attention from Todoroki to behind him, where multiple strangers ran towards them with the intent to kill.

In just a few quick moves, Todoroki turned around and froze them in their tracks. He watched them struggle trying to break free. "Pathetic," he said, "Aren't you guys embarrassed to lose to children? For God's sake, you're adults, so put up a real fight."

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