10 - Aiko's story

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"If someone doesn't support your dreams, find another someone"

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"If someone doesn't support your dreams, find another someone"

Momo and Aiko walk out of the salon feeling like new women.

Aiko turns to Momo, beaming from ear to ear. "I can't even thank you enough for this. Thank you so much. And I'm so, so sorry for lashing out at you earlier. I know you were only trying to help—"

"Girl, slow down!" Momo giggles. "It's okay! I just wanted to make you feel better."

"You've definitely succeeded in making that happen," She smiles.

"But don't think I did this all for your benefit only. I need something in return."

All of a sudden, the atmosphere grew cold. Momo looked serious now, with a hint of mischief in her smirk.

"Yeah? What do you need...?"

With the way she's looking right now, Aiko couldn't help but feel as if she just got played into doing something unsavory.

Momo then prances on her, throwing her arm over Aiko's shoulder. "We have to be friends now!"

Aiko lets out a long sigh. "Oh, thank God... I thought it was going to be something bad!" The two of them laugh together. "We're already friends."

"I'm glad! Now, let me drop you off at your home. Give me a second to call my chauffeur."

Aiko blanks out for a moment, taking in what she just said. Chauffeur. "Thank you," she then responded, "that would be nice!"


the next day at school...


Aiko actually walks into class at a time considered early, looking way better than she did the day before. As soon as she walks through the door, she hears gasps of surprise and what sounds like praise of some sort. What an animated and supportive class class 1A is.

"Woah, Aiko, you look like you're in a better mood!" Kirishima smiles.

"Short hair really suits you!" Uraraka compliments.

"Thank you guys! And..." she then bows, "I'm so sorry for how I acted yesterday!"

"It's okay. We all have tough days," Ojiro says.

She makes her way to her seat, where she then briefly speaks to Jirou and Todoroki. Eventually she settles down and begins to unpack her stuff.

As she does so, she gets to thinking about what Momo said to her the day before:

'I'm here if you want to talk, but you would probably feel uncomfortable. Please talk to someone that you're closer with, it might make you feel better.'

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