6 - The Nature Hero: Seraphina

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a/n: hello! I apologize for the long wait to those of you reading this; it's been a busy few weeks. I'm officially starting college tomorrow, so I fear this situation won't be getting better any time soon. Because of the long wait moving forward, though, you can expect the chapters to be longer, this chapter alone being almost 3000 words. It'll get longer and better from here! Thank you luvs <3

 It'll get longer and better from here! Thank you luvs <3

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"Friendship is a flower that blooms in all seasons"


Ever since the stare incident, Aiko's been around Bakugou a lot more than usual.

She greets him with a 'good morning' or 'good afternoon' every time she sees him, tries to make small talk, finds any opportunity to talk to him. He always ends up shutting down or cutting her advances short. But that's never stopped her before! She's a persistent person and will do anything to get what she wants.

And from Bakugou, it's an answer to her question.

'Why were you staring at me like that the other day?'

She walked onto campus one morning. Spotting him up ahead like she always does, she calls out to him:


He stops in his tracks almost immediately.

As soon as he heard her voice, he let out the loudest sigh she's ever heard, so loud that even passersby had to look in his direction. Not even phased by such a reaction, she runs up to him, standing so close beside him, her hand brushes against his. He flinches and moves away from her.

"Good morning!" She says so loud, he winces.

"Will you give it a fucking rest already?!"

"What? Did I do something wrong? All I'm saying is good morning."

"Well, can you not?" He spat, each word dripping off his tongue like venom. "It's way too damn early to be bothered by you."

No matter how she tried to get close to him, it didn't work.

At first she tried just simply talking to him, but was met with the coldest side eye she's ever experienced. Next, she tried inserting herself into conversations he was having with other students, but he didn't pay her any mind.

Now that calls for another approach, plan C: act as cute as possible! Even the toughest of guys can't resist a cute girl!

She flashes the best smile she could possibly flash and says, "So, how's your morning going?" Her smile is known to be a charmer and has gotten her out of the stickiest of situations.

But with Bakugou, she's met with not so much as a glance. "What's it to you?" He responds. "Did you not hear me just now? What, you deaf or somethin'?"

"Hmm, I just want to know if my classmate is doing okay." She bats her eyelashes, leans forward, really gets into his personal space. "Is that so wrong?"

seraphina // k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now