9 - internships pt.3: the aftermath

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"all that I did to try to undo itall of my pain and all your excusesI was a kid but I wasn't clueless(someone who loves you wouldn't do this)all of my past I tried to erase itbut now I see, would I even change it?might share a face and share a las...

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"all that I did to try to undo it
all of my pain and all your excuses
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
(someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
all of my past I tried to erase it
but now I see, would I even change it?
might share a face and share a last name but
(we are not the same)"

- Family Line by Conan Gray

internships: day 5 of 5.

It's the last day of the internships. After a quick little cleanup in the city to give back to the people, Best Jeanist had them all—the interns and the other staff—rendezvous back at the Genius Office. Thankfully the day went by without any issues, and without Aiko and Bakugou's shenanigans.

"The week flew by so fast, didn't it?" Best Jeanist said. It was about time to dismiss them from the internship, but he wanted to have a quick two-on-one conversation with them in his office.

"It does. I can't believe it's already been a week," Aiko said with a smile that disappeared soon after a moment. "I'll really miss it here."

"I'm glad you liked it here." He paused for a while. "Well, you two were a handful. I've never had interns as stubborn as the two of you. Normally what I say goes, but with you two, you've challenged my every order. And while that does piss me off..." he spun in his chair, his back now to them as he looked up at his ceiling, "I can't say you two weren't an amusing bunch to teach."

"Glad we were able to keep you on your toes." Aiko replied.

He laughed before he stood up from his chair, spinning on his heel to face them again. "Aiko."

She flinched a little, "yes?"

"Remember to work on that confidence. You've made some improvement, but you're still not fully there yet."

She nodded. "Of course!"

"And Bakugou."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, dragging out a "yes sir..."

Best Jeanist glared at him. "Work on that attitude. You're almost a full-fledged hero now, and what you've got going on now is not a good look on your brand. You also need to pick out a decent hero name."

"And most importantly, before I dismiss the both of you, I do want to say this: if you ever decide to work with me again, you have a place here in my office. If there's anything you ever need, The Genius Office's doors are always open." He then bowed, "thank you for spending your internship here."

The two of them bowed in return. "Thank you for letting us study under you."


It was already late afternoon by the time that they had left The Genius Office. The sun was setting as they headed home.

"Can't believe I just spent an entire week with you. And it wasn't half bad, don't ya think?" Aiko smiles.

Bakugou just looks at her and doesn't respond.

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