5 - daddy issues

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"go ahead and cry, little girl, nobody does it like you do"

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"go ahead and cry, little girl, nobody does it like you do"


It was a new day, and Aiko was ready to move on from what has happened the day before. She got ready for school earlier than usual, trying to get out of this house as fast as possible. She was jogging down the stairs, when...

"Good morning, my dear. I made you breakfast. Eat it before you go."

The girl was a bit thrown off by the random act of kindness. He made her breakfast? It's been a while since he's done that.

"Um, okay..."

She moved to the kitchen and then to the dining room table, where she settled down with a plate of warm, fluffy pancakes. The plate was decorated beautifully: maple syrup drizzled and powdered sugar sprinkled all over the pancakes, fruits like strawberries and bananas filled the empty spaces of the plate.

He sat directly in front of her at the other end of the table with his arms propped up, his head resting on his palms. She looked up at him and then back down at the food several times, feeling a little self-conscious with each passing second.

This is weird.

She immediately dug into the meal, and the rich flavor and soft texture of the pancakes was enough to put her at ease. Today might just be a good day for once, at school and at home. If he keeps this up, maybe Aiko will think of him as a decent father.

"I'm thinking of taking you out of UA."

Aiko nearly choked on her food. Suddenly the pancakes tasted so awful in her mouth, she wanted to vomit every last bite of it to cleanse her body of filth.

A classic Seiji Tanaka move: feeding his daughter amazing food before throwing even more shit at her. It works like a charm every time. She's fallen for this move one too many times.

The silence was unbearable as she stared long and hard at her father. "What?" She finally said after some moments.

He repeats himself, but with more emphasis this time. "I'm thinking of taking you out of UA."

"What are you talking about?" She pushed the plate away from her. Even the smell of the pancakes was nauseating now. "Why?"

"Being a hero is a lot more problematic than you think it is, and you're already proving to me that you can't handle it." He stood up from the table, and so did she. "You failed your match. Can you be any more pathetic? How can you dream of becoming a hero if you can't even win a little tournament? Do you think heroes fail tournaments?"

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