4 - sports festival

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"give it your all, no matter what"

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"give it your all, no matter what"


Today was one of the most important days in UA, the school sports festival.

For an aspiring hero, one has to do their best, and that's exactly what Aiko plans to do.

Up until now, training—even that quirk assessment test—didn't give Aiko a chance to show her true abilities. But this is the moment where she can finally shine, especially because her dear old dad is watching her from the stands.

The preliminary event was a breeze. She finished in fourth place, moving in the cavalry battle. She teamed up with Hitoshi Shinso, but the rest of their teammates were acting weird. It was very confusing when her classmate and partner Ojiro dropped out of the sports festival after they won.


"So he did something to you?" Aiko asked Ojiro. They were talking to each other right before the main event began.

"Yeah... I think he might've brainwashed me or something," He said. "Did it happen to you, too?"

"No, and that's what I'm confused about," Aiko stood there wondering why his quirk didn't work on her. "I was completely aware of the whole battle."

"Hm. I remember talking to him before it happened," Ojiro said.

"That makes sense, I don't think we said a word to each other that whole time. I was too nervous to talk," She explained. "But at the same time, I did feel like I blacked out at the beginning. Maybe something knocked me out of the effect?"

He sighed. "Either way, he's a sketchy guy."

Soon enough, Present Mic was calling the contestants back to see the brackets.

Aiko hurried over, scanning the brackets to find her name. When she found out who she would be going against, her jaw immediately dropped.

She was going against Katsuki Bakugou in the first round.

It's not his strength she's worried about, but it's his tenacity and his drive. After that little speech he gave about how he was going to win, she's sure he would probably do anything to make that happen.

It's either she wins or she loses; all that matters is that she brings her absolute best to this match.

"Who the hell's Tanaka?" Her thoughts were interrupted by the blonde as he talked to himself.

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