7 - internships!

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"too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears"

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"too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears"

internships: day 1 of 5.

The internships were to begin today.

It would be a lie if Aiko said that she looked through each and every request she had gotten, which was well over 3,000. Although she was grateful to be recognized by such an overwhelming number of agencies, out of those many, only one stood out to her the most:

Best Jeanist himself had requested her.

Words cannot even begin to unpack the excitement she had when she found out that her favorite pro hero expressed interest in her—hell, even noticed her—out of all people. Of course she had to take the once in a lifetime opportunity to work underneath her idol.

The students all met with Mr. Aizawa at the local bus station. The atmosphere felt like they were going on a big field trip as a class. Well, that was until everyone had to go their separate ways.

"Are you guys excited?" Jirou turned to Aiko and Todoroki, who were already standing near each other.

"Yes, I am so ready!" The redhead smiled brightly. "I'm interning with Best Jeanist!"

"Oh, the number four~" Jirou said in a singsong. "That should be interesting."

"I can't say I'm looking forward to this," Todoroki said nonchalantly, putting a hand in his pocket. "I'm just interning with my old man. Nothing new."

"Oh, Endeavor, the number two. I hope you at least learn and do something cool," Jirou said. "I'm interning with Death Arms. I'm actually super stoked for this."

"Seems like we all have a pretty interesting week ahead of us. Remember to give it your all." Aiko put her fist out.

Jirou caught on and bumped fists with her. Todoroki looked confused, making Aiko knee him in the leg. He looked at her, clearly lost. "Your fist, please," Aiko giggled.

He looked down before bumping fists with the two of them. For that slight second, they had formed a perfect triangle in the middle.

Jirou retracted her fist first. "Well, good luck at your internships, you too." Jirou smiled, waving as she walked away. "Make sure you have a rockin' time!"

"You as well!" Aiko waved until Jirou was completely out of sight. After that, she turned to Todoroki, "Let's head out, yeah?"


Todoroki and Aiko had gotten on the same bus. The ride was crowded, but standing next to someone she knew reassured Aiko. But that wasn't for long, because they eventually parted ways and she had to hop onto another bus that would head straight for Tokyo, alone that time. From that point on, she only had to travel a little bit more before getting to The Genius Office.

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