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Niall's POV

I had just walked home from school and stopped at the mail box outside my little Irish cottage. There were a few letters and bills that my family couldn't pay anymore.

Ever since the war has started, my family's farm has been forced to give all our food to the soldiers so we couldn't sell it for money anymore. We had no money and sometimes, no food. But I never let it get me down. As long as I had my family and guitar, I was happy.

"Mum! I'm home!" I yelled as I entered the house. She can running from the kitchen to greet me with a kiss and a hug.

"Hi, darling. How was school?" She asked. My mother always believed my education was the most important thing. She told me that it was the only thing I could depend on, even through this horrible war.

"It was good. We learned about the great potato famine today in history class." I said to her as I set my book bag down and gave her the mail.

"I'll be in my room with my guitar. Sorry if it's loud." I told her, leaving a kiss on her cheek before I started to walked to the stairs. She didn't really pay attention to me. She was too wrapped up in reading something she just opened from the stack of mail I gave her.

"No! Not my baby!" She cried and dropped the letter from her hands. I ran over to wrap my arms around her, trying to comfort the tears and screams that shook her body.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My father asked, coming in from the back door covered with dirt from working on the farm.

She picked the letter up off the floor and handed it to my dad. He read over it, his face growing pale, then handed it to me. I took it and my world stopped. I read over it three times just trying to get the words right in my head.

This cannot be happening. This wasn't right. I'm only 17, I can't be going to... war? That doesn't even sound right. I'm a stupid student that plays guitar on my free time and so happens to be super attracted to other guys. I'm not fit to be a soldier on the front lines killing people with a gun.

"Don't make me go." I told both my parents, still shocked by the President's orders. My dad was holding my sobbing mother in his arms. They both looked at me and shook their heads.

"You don't have a choice."

Zayn's POV

"I'll see you after class, babe." I said, kissing my beautiful girlfriend, Perrie.

"I love you, Zayn." She told me, those blue sparkling so beautiful. She is the definition of perfection. That's why I promised to marry her once we were out of school, which is only four more months.

"I love you too. Now get to class! We're always both so late everyday." She laughed that beautiful sound I always loved to hear. She turned and I couldn't help but check out how hot she looked in her school uniform.

I walked into my history class and saw some weird man standing there, decked out in Military clothes. I slipped into the desk next to one of my best friends, Harry, and asked him what was going on.

"I don't know. The professor just said it was our time to be men and we needed to listen. I don't really understand though." He told me looking some what scared. I shrugged and waited for class to begin after the bell rang.

"Alright! Listen up, boys." The man in military clothes said. "Our country has been at war with Ireland for over a year now and our men need help. You all are men and it's time to prove it. If you back down to this offer, you will forever be frowned upon by your country."

I didn't know what to think. I was actually kind of confused. Was he telling us we had to go to war? This whole war is stupid. It's only over Ireland wanting back some land we took from them years ago. We should just give the stupid farmers back the land so they can grow their potatoes, or whatever, and get drunk. That's all Irish people are, anyway. A bunch of drunk potatoes. Brits don't need that land. We've never even used it for anything, so I don't know why we're fighting over it.

"This is an honor to fight with you nations brothers. Even though you feel like you have a choice, you dont. The bus is going to each of your homes tomorrow morning to take you to the train station. You will be fitted into your uniforms and put into training. Tomorrow you will swap your school boy uniforms, for your military uniforms. It's time to be men."

The military man then left and we were told to go home and pack. I didn't though. I couldn't move from my seat, none of us could. We just sat there and realized we had all just been given our death sentence.

No one in this class, or the whole boys academy side of the school, is fit for war. Well, maybe Liam Payne. He's my other best mate and is the most muscular person I know. He would rip his school jackets daily because when he would flex, the material couldn't handle it. It would rip when he would even raise his hand in class.

No one really reacted to the news that was just given to us, until I thought of one thing. Perrie.

I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the class, straight to where her class was down the hall in the girls side of the school. We both always snuck around with each other to either side of the school, but no one ever said anything.

I ran until I found her classroom and went in, not giving a shit if I was interrupting.

"Mr.Malik!" Her professor yelled at me, which caused Perrie to turn to me with a shocked look one her face. I just pulled her out of her chair and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you so much. They're making me go to war. I leave tomorrow." I said very rushed in her ear. Saying it out loud made it more real. She gasped and clung to me tighter.

"I love you. Stay brave, just come back to me." She cried. I pulled away and kissed her.

"I promise, I'll come home."

Little did I know how much would change after I left. The promises I made to her about loving her forever and marrying her, would never be fulfilled. Well... at least not towards her.

A/N: So this is my new story! Tell me how you like this and if you want me to continue. I'm busy and need to know if I'll be wasting my time writing something no one likes or finds interesting to read. Please please please, tell me! Don't be shy to comment on this or tell me your opinions! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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