Baby Fever-Juke

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okay so i know what youre thinking

'm...why are you writing another fanfiction? you already have one you silly goose!'

I KNOW THAT OKAY *sobs to unsaid emily* *shoves hotdog in face* *slowly spits out hotdog*

dont judge me

this is purely for fun okay

i have plenty ideas for this but PLEASE if you wanna see literally ANYTHING i will make it happen

just tell me

(keep in mind if i dont write it in here ill use it for my other fic but ill let you know which one i put it in so either way you can see it...hehe)

if youre new then welcome my child

im weird and im chaotic if you couldnt tell already (dont believe me? ask anyone who has seen my other a/n's lmao)

anywho...yeah i know what im doing to myself but am i still gonna do it?

you betcha

okay enjoy reading please give me your ideas im begging you

(yes im aware this ones short)

"Juliiiiiie," Luke says, walking through Julie's door and into her room. She looks up from her laptop, smiling at her boyfriend, who currently has an adorable little pout on his face. 

"Yeah?" she asks. He plops down on her bed, putting his head in her lap and staring up at her. 

"I found baby TikTok," he says.

Her smile immediately disappears. "What? How?"

"I dunno! I was scrolling...and then I kept scrolling...and then I found the babies."

Julie grabs his face. "Luke, no."

"I'm having a serious case of baby fever, get me a doctor," he puts his hand dramatically over his forehead. 

Julie rolls her eyes. "Snap out of it, drama queen. Go look at Draco TikTok or something, that always cheers you up.'

"But Jules, look!" Suddenly he's whipping out his phone and shoving it in her face. She sighs, but watches nonetheless.

It's a video of a baby who took his mom's phone and smiled at the camera, letting out an adorable baby 'hi.'

Julie smiles endearingly, before snapping herself out of it. "That's very cute, but it's still at least five years away."

"Did you see it though?" He gives her puppy eyes. "Babies, Jules. They're so cute and tiny and—"

"I agree," Julie says. "Doesn't mean we want one of our own."

"You know what, scratch the doctor, just get me a mother—"

"Luke, baby, no." Julie looks at him sternly, trying to ignore his pleading face. "No, no, no."

"His cute ass motherfuc—"

"Luke!" Julie's running her hands through his hair out of habit, not even realizing she's doing it. "Forget the baby. Okay? We don't. Want. A child."

"We don't?"

"No, we don't."

He sighs. "Pwease?"

She smiles. "You're very cute, but no."

"But all you gotta do is..." he says, starting to lift up her shirt.

She squeals, whacking his hand away. "Luke!"

He sits up. "What?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Julie asks with wide eyes.

"I'm not that crazy," he says. "I'm an adult now."

"Yeah, you are, but I'm still sixteen. Besides, there's still college, school. We have more to do with our lives."

He sighs, putting his head back in her lap. "One day?"

She kisses him. "One day. I promise."

fun fact: i also found baby tiktok and now have baby fever

whos going halves because i need one

i mean im still a minor but...details


but not really tho

anyways yeah heres around 400 words of cuteness

thanks for reading!! again PLEASE im begging you if you want to see anything dont hesiate to suggest it



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