Baby Fever Strikes Again

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for @hsmtmts_jatp

there will be a few parts of this now hehe

(carrie and the girls have made up by now btw)

(also the boys have turned human in this because i dont think a ghost has im no doctor but can a dead human create another life? like if i decided to have sex with a dead body...i dont think that would work. so yeah hes human. youre welcome for the detailed explanation)

On Julie's twenty-first birthday, Flynn and Carrie take her out for a girl's day. Luke wanted to spend the day with her, but the girls argued he spends every day with her and dragged her out of the studio. 

They go to the movies, then to the mall, where they stop by Sephora to get makeovers and some products. After buying some pretzels and cheese, they go to the nail place for mani-pedis. 

Now they're sitting there, getting their feet done and giggling at how much the feet scrubs tickle.

"Jules," Carrie says between giggles, "have you and Luke ever thought about a kid?"

Julie's laughter immediately stops, and she chokes. "Huh?"

Carrie nods, her voice vibrating from the massage chair. "You know, like having a baby."

Julie looks at Flynn. "Why do you ask?"

"We were talking about it," Flynn supplies. "That would be a really cute child, Jules."

"So you want me to get pregnant so you can—" she's cut off by some of her own giggles. "So you can be around a cute baby?"

"Yes," they say at the same time.

Julie shakes her head at her friends. "Yeah, we've talked about it a couple times, and when I was like sixteen he really wanted one, but I think he got out of his baby fever phase."

"Well, you're not sixteen anymore," Carrie shrugs. "You know...put on that 'lingerie' we got you for your eighteenth."

Julie blushes, laughing. "Shh! We don't talk about those."

On Julie's eighteenth birthday, the girl's had gotten her a very skimpy lace bra and underwear that reads "Come here daddy" on the chest and "...Please" right over her crotch as a gag gift. Flynn, Carrie, and Alex spent the night laughing their heads off about it, telling Julie to try it on. Luke also wanted her to try it on, teasing her about it the whole night. Reggie, however, begged her not to put it on while he was there. She didn't, of course.

(That night, though, after everyone left, she and Luke did have quite a bit of fun.)

"C'mon, don't you wanna be able to tell your child it was made because mommy wanted daddy to—"

"Flynn!" Julie reaches over and whacks her friend. "We're in a public place!"

"Says the girl who screams whenever her friends are in the other room."

"That was one time, Carrie," Julie says, turning red. A couple months ago, a simple makeout session in the loft turned into a lot more. Luke and Julie didn't know their friends were outside, but if they had they wouldn't have done it. Julie's extremely loud.

"Twice," Flynn says. "It's happened twice."

"Details," Julie brushes it off. "I'll talk to him about it, but I don't know if I want one yet."

"Just look at some pictures of babies," Flynn says. "Works like a charm. At least it does for Reggie." She rolls her eyes. "You have no idea how hard saying no to those puppy dog eyes is."

Julie smiles, thinking.

That night, Julie's laying in bed in she and Luke's apartment, scrolling through some pictures and videos of babies. Turns out, Flynn was right. It works like a charm, and suddenly she has extreme baby fever.

"Luke?" she calls, sitting criss-cross on the bed.

"Yeah?" he asks, walking into the room wearing only jeans. Julie doesn't even try to pretend she's not staring.

"I want a baby."

"Oh no," Luke says. "Not you too."

"C'mon!" she pouts, getting on her knees. "We're old enough now! We have money!"

This is true—the band's success hasn't gone down one bit; in fact, it's actually raised, meaning each band member is relatively loaded.

"I dunno, Jules," he says, sitting on the bed. "Do you really think it's the best idea?"

"Yes," Julie insists. "I want a baby."


"Please please please please please please please please please," she says, jumping into her boyfriend's lap. "Please please please please please."

Luke kisses her head. "You really want one?"

She hugs his waist, becoming serious. "Yeah. I do." She looks up at him. "Do you?"

Luke thinks about it, looking into her eyes. He imagines him and Julie, in the future, with a kid. Getting married. Buying a real house. Helping the kid with its homework, watching it grow up.

He sees a future for them, and it feels right. 

He nods slowly. "Yeah."

She breaks out into a wide grin. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he laughs. 

She reaches up and kisses him, positioning herself so she's straddling his lap with her arms around his neck. 

"I love you," she whispers after breaking the heated kiss.

He grips her waist. "I love you too."

They kiss slowly, and then without warning he stands and drops her unceremoniously on the bed, causing her to squeal and giggle. 

He jumps on top of her, crashing their lips together once again.

i dont write smut otherwise i wouldve kept going hehe

but i think yall got the gist

but yeah idk how many parts of this there will be but probably around 5? 

hope you enjoyed hehe

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