Third Wheeling-Juke

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yall i love juke but im realllllly wanting to write another ship so if yall have any other fics for different ships in mind that would be great

or just any ideas not directly involving a ship is also amazing

this was suggested by @aliceinabookstore and i thought the idea was cute so im doing it hehe

Ever since Julie and Luke started dating a month ago, they've been attached at the hip. They can't go more than five minutes without having some form of physical communication, and they're making heart eyes at each other 24/7.

Their friends are both endeared and annoyed by this.

They're happy that the two are no longer avoiding their feelings and are finally able to be happy with each other.

But on the other hand, they wish they didn't have to feel like they're either third-wheeling or intruding all the time. 

Like today. They're supposed to be rehearsing, but instead Reggie and Alex walk in on Luke teaching Julie guitar, with her sitting in his lap.

The couple doesn't even notice when their bandmates walk in, so the ghost boys just sigh and sit on the floor by Alex's drums, talking quietly amongst themselves.

It's only when they hear Julie giggle and look up to see that the guitar has been abandoned and the couple's now just whispering things to each other between kisses that the boys stand up.

"Hey, just so you know we're here," Alex says.

The smiles disappear off their faces when Alex gets their attention.

"We know," Julie says. 

"Could you two get a room or something?" Reggie asks, annoyed.

"Gladly," Luke says, Julie getting off his lap so they can stand up.

"Not really!" Alex hurries to say, shuddering at the thought of his two friends being in a room alone together. He glares at Reggie for suggesting it.

"I was kidding," Reggie says. "I thought that was obvious."

"Well did you guys need anything, or...?" Julie asks, walking around to stand on the other side of the couch.

"Yeah, we came to rehearse," Alex says. "It just seems like you two have other plans."

"We were waiting for you guys," Luke explains. "But we're thinking about just skipping today anyways."

"Why? So you can get it on in her room?" Alex asks incredulously, making the couple simultaneously roll their eyes.

They then look at each other, somehow communicating with only eye contact. There are barely even any facial expressions involved; they seem to be reading each other's minds.

Reggie and Alex share a look. The two have been doing this since they got together, and it's starting to get really annoying.

"One missed rehearsal can't hurt," Julie says, not taking her eyes off Luke's.

"Yes it can," Reggie protests. "Flynn got us that gig for this weekend, remember? It's not just a school dance this time, it's a fancy club."

Julie raises her eyebrows slightly at Luke, who raises one back, making her scrunch her nose a little, making him smile, making her hit his arm lightly.

"I'm sorry," Alex interrupts their conversation...if you can even call it that. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" Luke and Julie ask at the same time, smiling at each other about it.

"Talk without words," Reggie asks. "Can you read minds or something?"

"What? No," they say, again in unison, causing Julie to giggle, which causes Luke to smile at her like she's a newborn puppy.

Alex rubs his temples. "You two are unbearable. Positively unbearable."

"What'd we do?" This time they not only speak at the same time, but cross their arms at the exact same time too. 

"Okay, that's getting creepy," Reggie says. 

Julie lets out an annoyed huff. "You know what, you guys can't boss us around like you're my dad or something." She takes her boyfriend's hand. "We're going to my room. You guys feel free to rehearse, or chat about how revolting love is, or whatever you do in your free time. We don't really care."

She tugs them out, and just before the door closes behind them Luke calls, "And don't come in without knocking!"

i was planning on making this longer but i actually like it as a short little fic

anyone whos here to recover from the pain i put you in during the latest chapter of my other fic, im sorry about that and here's your apology gift

(doesnt mean im gonna put you through any less pain tho...😈😏)

okay yeah hope you enjoyed this, continue to suggest and ill continue to write. the next chapter might be julynn (julie and flynn) bc im in the mood for them but i dont have any inspiration for anything right now (seriously i just barely got these chapters that i did today finished)

love you my children, ill try to get another chapter for this out tomorrow buuuut my other fic probably wont get another chapter till, at the soonest, thursday (but who knows i could be slapped with sudden inspiration and a bunch of time and somehow manage to get 1500 words on the screen by tomorrow, miracles happens)

dont forget to vote and comment!! (i know at least one of you has SOMETHING you wanna see so please PLEASE tell me im begging you)



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