Chapter 28

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As I expected, her song is a success. The nerves she had slowly subsided once the song was released and the feedback from everyone was good. She has a lot of press to promote the song so she's been increasingly busy lately. I listen to her interviews, live streams and Q and A's where I can. Since we haven't been spending much time together, I have more free time to practice my art so I listen to her then. In almost every interview she's asked about her love life where she brings up her ex since that's who she's written most of her songs about. It makes me cringe. Half the time she's asked about who 'You and I' is about and I can hear the change in her voice as she tries to not reveal too much. G and Char have warned me of the questions she might get and how she plans on answering them so as not to offend me. G's told me previously that she regrets being so open about her previous relationship because her fans were so invested and even wrote her ex hate comments when they broke up. When she's asked about her current status, she does reveal that she's in a relationship and she's happy and it makes me smile.

I've been experimenting more with my art lately and have turned to Procreate to create some more digital art. It's more disconnected than putting paint on canvas and I find it harder since it's a different media but I find I can produce more art quickly. My regular customers are also loving my new work. I listen to G do a Triple J interview and decide to send her what I've just finished working on. The art is an image of a soft pink and purple version of my townhouse with neon signs coming off the side of the building and top with her logo, name, and 'You and I'. She responds not long after her interview and asks if she can post it to her social media.

 She responds not long after her interview and asks if she can post it to her social media

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In the car on the way to the festival, G is quiet and looks out the window the whole ride. Char and I talk about the other artists playing today and I start to get excited and nervous as we get closer. When we arrive, we all busy ourselves with unloading the band's equipment from the van. We head to the backstage area where G simply cannot stand or sit still. I grab her hand and pull her into the shade. "You OK?" I ask her worried. "I'm so nervous, Soph. There's a lot of people out there" she says. I cup her face. "You're G fucking Flip. You are going to kill it" I say and she smiles. I kiss her and we head backstage to watch Mallrat's set.


As expected, she kills it. Char and I are in the artist's area to the front left of the stage watching her set. I look over to the crowd as she sings 'Drink Too Much' and they're all singing her lyrics back to her. It's incredible.

"This next song is a new one that I released last week" she says grabbing the microphone off the stand and pacing the stage. "It's about my beautiful girlfriend standing over there" she says and points to me. I laugh and place a hand to my chest shocked. Char taps me on the arm and laughs. G blows me a kiss waves to me. She turns back to the crowd "This ones called 'You and I'". She begins the song and I stand there stunned. A beautiful girl with whom I'm head over heels in love with singing a song she wrote for me to me in front of thousands of people. I'll never get over this feeling.

She finishes the song, waves goodbye to the crowd and runs over to me. She hugs me and lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around her and laugh. I bend down and kiss her as she lets me go. I can feel the adrenalin coursing through her. I'll definitely never get over her.


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