Chapter 1

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*sorry if this sucks, I'm going through some stuff rn*

Hotch: Alright everyone, this is our newest Agent, Ssa y/n. This is ssa Derek Morgan, ssa Emily Printiss, ssa David Rossi, ssa Jenifer Jerou, Dr. Spencer Reid, and technical analyst Penelope Garcia.

Y/N's inner thought: I- Spencer is so hot. I can't date my coworker so I just gotta act natural and keep this to myself.

Y/N: Hey I'm just going to sit right her if that's okay.

You take the seat next to Reid as Penelope starts briefing the team. You're going to Denver, Colorado, there has been 3 murders in 2 weeks. Evidence leads that it's a male unsub.
As you board the jet you sit next to Jenifer to have small casual talk before going over victimology.

Y/N: Jenifer you mind if I sit here?

Jenifer: Call me Jj, and no go ahead. So what got you into the fbi?

Y/N: Ever since I was younger I loved mystery and have always loved trying to solve it.

Jj: Wow. Henry, my son really likes mystery too. Spencer has told him so many facts and stories it's unreal.

Y/N: ha, what's Spencer like? I'm just trying to get to know everyone.

Jj: Spencer is very thoughtful and just amazing. Don't ever doubt for a second he doesn't care about you. He has gone through a lot so he is fragile but he's holding himself up well.

Y/N: Oh, uhm is he okay?

Jj: always. He doesn't let it interfere with work.

Once y'all land Hotch splits everyone up. You are dr.Spencer Reid are told to go to the newest crime scene.

Spencer: hey y/n on the way to the crime scene can we uhm talk?

Y/N: uhm yeah of course!

You were a little scared and confused by the fact he wanted to talk but you told yourself it's probably just work related and hopped into the SUV passenger seat with Spencer.

Spencer: uhm I just wanna actually introduce myself that's all. I'm Spencer but you can call me spenc, Reid, or Spencer it doesn't really matter. I also have an iq of 187, photographic memory, 3 PhDs, and can read 20,000 words per minute.

With that Spencer let's out a small laugh and looks at you. All you could think about is how beautiful his smile was and how amazing his laugh was. You couldn't help it. Your crush on Spencer was going stronger the longer you were with him.

Y/N: lol so what are you a genius? Spencer can I actually ask you something?

Spencer: Yes of course you can and yes I am a genius.

He lets out another small laugh.

Y/N: I'm really just trying to be a good team member so I wanna find out everything before I make a mistake but, are y'all all friends or just team members?

Spencer: no that's completely understandable. We are like best friends here y/n, we go out for dinner, drinks, or we go to Rossi's. We are super close. But if you are asking to be friends I do put a wall up but it's not noticeable unless you're me. I love everyone on the team but I'm fragile. I warm up quickly so you will be fine. Don't worry y/n, we are all family here. Just be yourself.

He finishes the sentence and looks at you to make sure you're okay and smiles at you.

Y/N: okay thanks.

Over the 5 days it took y'all to catch the unsub you and Spencer grew closer. One night when y'all were in the hotel you wanted someone to talk to so you texted Spencer and he let you in his room. The team made you feel so welcomed. Spencer told you a little bit about everyone and told you some of his favorite stories about some of the cases they had worked. You were quick to name Spencer your best friend at the bau but, he made it clear that y'all can't "hangout" while on a case.

Once y'all land back in Quantico Rossi offers everyone over to bud place for dinner and some wine.

For better or For worse//Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now