About Jules 🔧✨🥺

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There was one day where Jules was born, the specifics of the day was 4-20-99. She weighed a normal weight for her age.

Jules as a baby was a perfect little baby. Midas or Linx complained about Jules being loud or anything really. Jules never cried when fed veggies, she never cried or had a temper when needing a bath.

Midas and Linx loved Jules so much. However, Midas's and Linx's marriage was well considering they had Jules at young age and the start of her marriage.

23 years later

Jules had just turned 23, Midas and Linx got her materials to help make Olm, 21 years ago when she was just 2 years of age. Jules has had Olm since she was 2 but it was just a toy. Not a robot at the time.

Midas and Linx never appreciated that she got tats all around her body. But they liked that Jules was doing something she loved, Robotics. Jules got into robotics at age 12 when she found out about robotics at school in 6th-7th grade.

Midas wished he didn't have to work so he could see Jules and his soon to be ex-wife..Midas and Linx had decided that they were going to be on break in their marriage but they still loved each other very much. But they had been married for 25 years and they just needed a little break like a week or 2.

Jules didn't know tho. But around after Jules turned 13, Jules made her own robot owl who is Olm. Who was there for her through everything. Jules cried with Olm, laughed, screamed and everything with her owl.

This is just background about Jules. But I hope you like this semi-chapter. :)

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