Age 17: Getting Tattoos

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That afternoon= 2:30pm | Setting: Just getting home from getting tattoos.

Jules had just gotten her 1 millionth tattoo, Of course not actually 1 millionth, but anyways.

Jules was ready to go home and show Midas, Skye, Ohm and Drift her tattoos.

Jules got home, Midas and Skye were looking at her in disgust. Ohm and Drift were looking at her with happiness on their faces.

"I see, like a BITCH. You got more tattoos when I told not to." Midas spoke, shocking everybody. Especially Drift.

Drift got up in anger and walked over to Midas.

"Why the fuck did you call her a bitch?" Drift bursted in anger with Midas holding his chest scared.

"BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS GET FUCKING TATTOOS FOR FUCKS SAKE." Midas screamed in anger as Jules ran to her room crying.

Drift stopped arguing with her father and mother and walked to her bedroom where he heard sobs of cries.

Drift opens the door to see Jules crying, sobbing huge sobs in the process.

"Baby girl, it's okay...there's no need to cry anymore." Drift softly said, rubbing her back as sobs kept coming out.

"B-B-But my mom and dad don't approve of my tattoos" Jules spoke between sobs as she moved herself to Drift.

"But it's over baby girl.." Drift replied back softly, still patting her back.

Drift picked Jules up, cuddling Jules as she sobbed. Drift patting her back in assurance. Jules calmed herself down and fell asleep on Drift's lap.


Drift ended up staying the night so, he could let Jules fall asleep with her tattoos. Drift still thought she was the prettiest girl in the world.

He had his world on his chest, sleeping on him. Drift whispered goodnight to her. Letting Jules sleep on his chest. Drift eventually fell asleep as-well, thinking about his baby girl.


Yay! Another chapter wrote at school 😅, I have a lot of free time in school right now.

I love writing about Fortnite characters, I don't know why. 😅 I love making made up stories about Fortnite.

Word Count- 348

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