Age 5: First Day of Kindergarten

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"I'm scared mama..." Jules cries, with Linx hugging Jules in assurance.

"Don't be scared sweetheart, you'll do great on the first day!" Midas assures his daughter, while she shivers in fear standing beside the building.

Midas walks Jules into her class as Jules stays in Midas's arms in fear. When they got into the classroom. Midas and Jules greets her teacher and Midas waves bye as Jules starts crying.

Jules's Point of View

My teacher assured me that everything will be okay. But I was just sad because I miss my dad. However, I finally decided to go over to the pink hair little girl.

"Hi! My name is Jules, yours?" I introduced myself.

"Hi Jules! I'm Ocean!" Ocean screamed and hugged me we played together.

Time Skip- Home Time

Midas goes to pick up Jules who was waiting for her father to pick her up. When Midas came in through the door, Jules got so excited.

"Happy to see me sweetheart?" Midas asked a jumping Jules.

"Yes daddy!!" Jules replied back hugging Midas.

Midas picks Jules up and takes her out of the school and puts her in the car. Jules the entire time, was screaming in happiness. While driving, Midas even got Jules McDonald's for completing the first day of kindergarten.

Time Skip= Bedtime: 7:30pm

Midas and Linx put Jules to bed. Midas and Linx said goodnight to Jules, and Jules falls asleep.

Yas! Another chapter doneeee🥺🥺 I love writing this book. Also Your Bully 2 is discontinued.

Word Count- 257

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