Age 15: Getting an Boyfriend ❤️

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That morning= 10:30am. | Setting: Drift's house.

Jules had decided to go to Drift's house to visit because she secretly had a crush on him for like a year without him knowing.

Jules gets there and sits in his bed, waiting for him to get back from getting drinks for the both of you.

Drift comes back in his usual attire, and with cups of water for the both of you.

Jules really wanted to confess her feelings for Drift, but she didn't know how to do it without it being awkward.

"Drift?" Jules asked Drift who turned to look at her.

"Yes Jules?" Drift replied still looking at Jules with lust in his eyes.

"I-I-I-I like you.." Jules stuttered out with Drift in somewhat of shock.

"I like you too.." Drift stuttered back and it was Jules's turn to be shocked.

Eventually, Jules and Drift were officially dating, there was no awkward moments anymore since now you both felt comfortable together.

Drift even kissed you in the lips, this shocked Jules but she kissed back anyways. She felt happy to have the love of her life.

Fast Forward= 9:30pm | Setting: Home

Jules was happy that she was finally not single. Midas and Skye were happy for her. After all of that, Jules ran into her room and went to tell Ohm about it all.

"Ohm, you won't believe what I'm gonna tell you!" Jules spoke to Ohm, who looked at her curiously.

"What is it Jules?" Ohm replied, still looking at Jules.

"I got a boyfriend today!" Jules shouted to Ohm, who was happily hooting.

"Who is it Jules?" Ohm asked happily, Jules looking at Ohm again.

"It's Drift! The guy who I had a crush on for a whole year." Jules replied back, Ohm smiling as Ohm wrapped her arms around Jules.

Time Skip= 10:00pm | Setting: In bed

Jules passed out, falling asleep. Ohm falling asleep as-well. Jules happily sleeping, thinking about Drift.

Yay, Jules got a boyfriend!! That's amazing!!! I'm happy for her! Anyway I hope you like these chapters!!!

Word Count- 354

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