Age 23: Handling a Baby 😬🥺

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2 years later: morning= 5:30am | Setting: Jules and Drifts home.

Third Person POV

Jules was finally pregnant after trying for a year prior to the pregnancy, they didn't have good luck in their side for the longest time and then finally Jules was pregnant after noticing changes in her behavior.

Jules would throw up in the morning, have weird cravings and would pee all the time. Drift was getting concerned of his wife when he noticed the weird behavior.  Drift eventually got Jules to take a pregnancy test, and after Jules peed on the test and waited for a few minutes, they got the results that they were never expecting. The test read positive with 2 lines showing.

Jules screamed in happiness as they were finally gonna have a baby of their own , Drift had reacted the same way as Jules did, Jules went to call her mom and dad about the wonderful news. Jules's parents were so happy about the news they got, the fact that now Midas and Skye were gonna be grandparents made them so happy.

Time Skip to when Jules is 14 weeks and knows the babies gender and how many babies their having

When Jules and Drift went to their weekly doctor checkup, the doctor set them up with a ultrasound, Jules knew how the gel was gonna feel and flinched at the coldness of the gel. Drift reassured her that the coldness will go away soon.

The doctor looks up at the screen and looks at Jules happily and says...

"Its a baby girl!The doctor says as Jules screams happily to finally know the gender of her baby.

Time skip to when Jules is 20 weeks

Jules's belly was getting bigger as the weeks were going by and the baby started kicking at this point, Jules was basically over the morning sickness. Drift was getting more excited that they were going to be parents.

"My love?" Jules asked Drift.

Drift looks at Jules and says... "Yes my love?"

"I feel fat....." Jules cried as Drift went over to hug her from the side.

"don't say that my love, I don't think your fat, it's just the baby, you'll lose a lot of the weight. BUT YOUR NOT FAT." Drift replies, still hugging her from the side since her belly was huge.

Drift lifted her belly up lightly so Jules's could feel better. Jules felt so much better when Drift lifted her belly.

Drift held her belly up for 10 minutes and then gently putting her belly back down, Jules groaned in pain once again as it hurt her.

"I'm sorry my love...I wish I could just stand and hold your belly but I can't...I understand it hurts to have all that weight." Drift said hugging Jules cried in pain since her back really hurts.

Drift really felt bad as he couldn't lift her belly up forever but, he would lift her belly whenever he had the time to.

Time Skip to when Jules is 38 weeks and close to labor

Jules got up that morning to make breakfast as Drift was still sleeping since he had work that night, Jules makes her breakfast and Drift finally gets up.

"Good Morning my love!" Drift lovingly says to his pregnant wife Jules.

"Good morning babe, I can't believe that I'm getting closer to the due date." Jules joyfully says to her husband  who was making himself breakfast.

"I know my love, she could be born today if she wanted to." Drift replied back to his wife.

Jules goes to sit next to Drift, while Drift was eating breakfast, and Jules also stole some of his breakfast. Drift didn't mind as he knew about Jules's cravings.

A few hours later.....

Jules was doing things to get ready for the possible labor. Right when Drift came home, Jules's water broke.

Jules screamed for her husband to come in the room as she was in labor.

"Babe! whats going on?" Drift asked his pregnant in labor wife.

"I'M IN FUCKING LABOR DRIFT" Jules shouted as she breathed through the pain.

Drift grabbed all the things they needed for the hospital and he started the car and drove the hospital.

15 minutes later and they were at the hospital, Jules on the hospital bed, waiting to see if she can give birth yet. The doctor walks in and tells them that Jules is at 9 cm dilated  and it has to be 10 cm in order to start pushing.

5 minutes later, Jules was ready to push. The nurse tells her to push and in which Jules did....

2.5 hours later....

Finally after 2.5 hours, Jules and Drift's baby girl Linx was born. Jules had fully recovered after the birth, so they went back home with Linx and put Linx in her crib.

Jules and Drift decided to go to bed after putting Linx to bed. They said their I love yous and then fell asleep peacefully.




Word Count- 862
-Rylie 😴

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