Age 10: Getting her first period 😖

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That morning

Jules wakes up one morning and feels a horrible pain. Jules runs into the bathroom and goes to the toilet. Jules looks down and sees blood in her underwear, Jules screams and starts crying on the floor.

"MOMMY!" Jules cries, as Skye starts running up the stairs and opens the door.

"Whats wrong sweetie?" Skye asks Jules, trying to calm her down.

"I got my first period.." Jules cries, Skye pats her back and picks her up.

Jules and Skye spend quality time together. Midas was concerned for his daughter, having huge mood swings at him.

"Jules, what is with you today??" Midas asks his daughter who was mad at him for taking her food away.

"I'm on my period okay father?" Jules quietly tells her father as Midas hugs Jules and takes her to her bedroom.

Jules was confused and but happy at the same time. Skye was still helping her through, Jules was happy that she was all the attention from everybody.


Jules was tired early, so she went to sleep. Skye understood and left the room, same with Midas who also shut the door.

Midas and Skye, were chilling out on the couch and watching Stranger Things. Skye shortly went to sleep after Jules. Midas was now the last one up and watching t.v, Midas before Skye went to sleep, kissed her forehead and told her goodnight and then Skye went to go to sleep.

Midas was hungry and decided to eat before also going to sleep.


This chapter was fun aswell. This book is so fun to do!! Please vote this book!🥺

Word Count- 273

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