Age 13: Making Ohm

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That afternoon( Jules's POV)
I was bored and I had spare material from when I was in class so I decided that maybe I'll make something. But I'll ask my mother if it's okay. My father is at work so I can't ask him.


I got to my mother and as she looked over at me, I asked "Mom?"

"Yes sweetheart?" Skye asked her daughter who was standing in front of her.

"Can I make an robot owl?" I asked my dearest mother, as she looked at me.

"Sure." Skye replied back, making Jules scream in happiness.

Third Person POV

Jules proceeded to run to her room and start making her robot friend. Not long later, Midas comes home wondering where his precious daughter went off to.

Skye told him that Jules went to her room to make herself a robot friend, specifically, an owl. Midas went to Jules's bedroom and looked at his daughter building the robot owl.

Ohm looked almost done with shape but not fully done. Jules was hard at work making her owl friend. Midas reminded her to go to bed early so she could be awake to finish her friend.


Jules had decided to go to sleep early that night, so she could make her friend once again in the morning.

Jules wakes up the next morning and begins working on Ohm again. Ohm was almost done by the end of the day.

However, Jules got to tired to finish Ohm so she went to go spend time with Skye and Midas.

Midas and Skye were waiting for Jules, watching t.v and while it was paused. So Jules wouldn't miss anything.

Jules sat down and let Midas play the movie once again. Jules was happy that eventually, her owl friend would be done.


The next morning, Jules worked for 20 minutes before Ohm was done fully. Ohm worked like a normal owl.

Jules was so happy that she screamed.
Skye and Midas both came in the room looking at their screaming daughter. Ohm was talking to her like an actual human being.

"Hi Jules." Ohm spoke directly to Jules, who was jumping in happiness that Ohm worked.

Midas and Skye left her to go to bed since it was late.

Jules put Ohm next to her in her bedside and started falling asleep, Ohm turning the lights and the lamp off.

"Goodnight Jules." Ohm spoke quietly to Jules trying to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Ohm." Jules replied sleepily.

Jules ended up cuddling her owl friend while she fell asleep.


Yo! Another chapter doneeee🥺🥺 I love making these! And I love writing books!!

This chapter took a while and I wrote parts of it AT SCHOOL!! Holy shit, anyway I hope you love my stories!

Word Count- 463

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