Age 19: Proposed by Drift

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That afternoon= 2:00pm | Setting: Her Home

Jules wanted to get married to Drift, since they've been dating for 4 years now. But she didn't know if he was ready.

Jules thought that maybe Drift was going to break off the 4 year relationship you both were in. Drift wanted to go to McDonald's for a date. Maybe Drift was planning a proposal.

Jules was talking to Ohm while she was waiting for the time to go. Drift was probably planning everything out.

Time Skip= 4:00pm | Setting: In front of Drift's house.

2 hours pass, and Jules gets anxious, waiting at Drift's door.

Drift finally opened the door and takes Jules's hand walking her over to his car to go to McDonald's.

Drift puts her gently in the car and drives to the restaurant. Drift was planning a proposal for Jules and he was going to do it after they were done their food.


They both got to McDonald's, and Drift gets out of the car first so he could hold Jules in his arms on the way to the restaurant.

Drift puts Jules down so he could order and get a table for the both of them.

Fast Forward= 5:50pm | Setting: in McDonald's, finished food/Proposal time.

Drift let's Jules finish her food and then Drift goes over to her.

Drift gets on one knee and asks, "Jules, you're the best girlfriend I've ever had and I've wanted to say this for a long time...will you marry me?" Drift asks, waiting anxiously for Jules to reply.

Jules's eyes start to water as she thinks of an answer.

"YES!!!" Jules screamed as she cried tears of joy,
Drift goes over to Jules hugging her in place as the entire restaurant cheers.

Drift eventually kissed Jules on the lips after the cheering was over.


Drift finally was going to take her home since Jules fell asleep, after the kiss.

Drift pulled up to Jules's house and took her inside to her bedroom. Drift dressed her in her pjs, and put her to bed. Before he left, Drift kissed Jules on the forehead.

"My gorgeous Fiancé.." Drift spoke quietly before leaving the room.

OMGGG, YESSSS! Jules is officially a fiancé to Drift!! 🥺🥺🥺 IVE WANTED THISSSS.

Word Count- 381

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