Age 21: Married to Drift

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2 years later= morning, 6:00am | Setting: Her and Drifts home.

Jules POV

I woke up, annoyed at Drift for waking me up. I've been asked 1 million times by we've been married for a baby, but I say no because it's to early.

Drift keeps asking and I keep saying no, let's wait. Drift just doesn't seem to get it, I'm asking him nicely. I guess Drift just wants to be a father. I understand that but I'm not ready to be a mother.

"Can we please have a baby? We've been married for 2 whole years." Drift asked once again, me face palming in the process.

"Fine, but maybe in a few months?" I replied and Drift just nodded his head back and forth and hugged me.

"I will wait for 3 months, ok?" Drift asked and I nodded my head.

I kissed him on the lips and Drift kissed me back. God I'm glad to be a wife to him.

Drift's POV

Omg, I'm so happy to be a father soon! Jules finally agreed that we would try for babies in 3 months.

I really wanted kids for a while, basically since we got married. But Jules said no all the time and that she wasn't ready to have babies.

I went downstairs to have breakfast, since I haven't ate yet, Jules happened to be downstairs as well, but she was watching her favourite t.v show, Big Mouth.

While I was eating, I kept hearing things about wiener and bOObs. I was weirded out, but at the same time, I saw her breasts and she saw my wiener. So it didn't matter.

Jules's POV

I was watching my favorite t.v show which was big mouth. Drift kept looking at me weird, I laughed at him, since it isn't that weird.

"Babe? Why are you watching this...?" Drift asked me while watching my t.v show.

"Because I want to" I replied sassing him.

"Oh shut it Jules." Drift spoke, rolling his eyes at me.

Drift started leaving to work on his project for work, which it was for his work.

Time Skip: afternoon- 3:30pm. | Setting: Jules and Drifts home.

We are having my mom and dad over for dinner and to talk about me and drifts future. However, in the middle of talking with my parents, I started getting really bad abdominal cramps.

My husband Drift noticed and whispered if I was okay. I whispered no as drift went to go to the store to get me period supplies since I got low of them.


My husband Drift finally comes back after 30 minutes with my period supplies, he came with me upstairs to help me out in a tampon since I've never used tampons.

My husband started to insert the tampon and I of course screamed in pain and started crying. Drift looked up at me and said..

"It's okay baby girl, yes it will hurt a lot, but the pain will go away as it settles in."

Drift was right, after a while, the pain I had went away and the rest of the afternoon was great.

Time Skip: 8:30pm. | Setting: Jules's and Drifts home | POV: Third Person.

Jules's parents were leaving as it was getting late. Jules's parents waved off as they got into their car and sped down the road.

Drift smiled at Jules as he carried Jules to bed. Since Jules had fallen asleep on him.

Drift sung Jules goodnight and he soon fell asleep cuddling his wife.


Finally, I have finally finished a chapter! I will get back to writing books again! I'm sorry that I've been forgetting for so long.

Word Count- 616
-Rylie 😍🍑

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