Age 2: Making of Toy Ohm

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"Do you want to make something Jules?" Midas says seeing his daughter holding material and putting it into different shapes.

"I think she does if she's holding material in her hand and making what looks like an owl." Linx replied grabbing the material from Jules and leave the room.

"I wonder where mommy went" Jules thought in her head and daddy out Jules for a nap until they were done her surprise.

3 hours later

Midas and Linx wake Jules up, ready to show her the surprise. Jules wakes up happy to see her mama and dada standing upon her.

"We made something for you sweetheart." Midas states, hearing Jules giggle.

"You'll love it sweetie!" Linx shouts, giving Jules the toy owl.

Jules squealed in giggles, holding the toy owl in her hands. Hugging, cuddling and kissing the toy. But since it was bedtime, it was the best time for Midas and Linx to give her the toy before she drifted off.

"Would you like to name your toy? If so, what's her name?" Midas asks his daughter who was cuddling it.

"Ohm!" Jules shouted.

"Ok, the owls name is Ohm then." Linx and Midas both said tucking Jules in for bedtime. Leaving Jules to sleep with Ohm.

As Midas and Linx were going to bed, all they thought was their happy daughter holding her toy who will be with her for the rest of her life.

I love making these! Also, chapters will be parts of her life. Like this one was Jules getting Ohm as a cotton toy. :)

Word Count- 265

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