The meet

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It was a peaceful day at dragons edge. Everyone was just relaxing at the club house when they got a terror mail from trader Johan saying something they were not expecting.

"Oh hey there buddy" said Hiccup.
He took off the note from the terrible terrors leg and read it.

"Well what does it say" said Snotlout.

"Its from Johan and by from the sounds of it. It's not good" said Hiccup in a worried tone. After explaining what the letter was saying to the group.

"Well we must help him" said Fishlegs.

"Oh no. No way I'm going with you guys to help Johan. Everytime we hear anything from him it always ends up bad" said Snotlout.

"Well you can stay here then and miss all the action well we go and blast those dragon hunters" said Tuffnut.

"Yea" said Ruffnut.

"Stop arguing you guys. The more time we waste here the more danger Johan is in" said Astrid.

"Astrid's right. Come on, let's saddle up and go before it's to late" said Hiccup. They all left the club house and went to the stables to get there dragons. After they got there dragons out of the pens they flew off into the air. After half an hour of flying they spot Johans ship and went in for a closer look.

"Oh my thor. Thank goodness your here" said Johan

"Yea. We got your terror mail saying that some dragon hunters were bothering you"
said Hiccup.

"Ah yes. As it was saying in the terror mail that I need help, I forgot to say why I needed help" said Johan.

"Uhhhh. Just tell us already so we can go blast some dragon hunter butt" said Snotlout in a annoyed tone.

"Yea well like as I was saying. The dragon hunters came to my boat and stole some of my maps which are very valuable" said Johan.

"Ok. Well what do these maps lead to" said Fishlegs.

"They lead to my treasure that I have stored secretly. Making sure no one can find it other than me" said Johan.

"Well where do u think there heading to right now Johan" said Astrid.

"They were heading north after they took my maps. I'm guessing their heading to changewing island. Where I hid one of my treasures" said Johan.

"Alright gang. You heard Johan, we need to head north and stop those dragon hunters from stealing Johans treasure" said Hiccup.

"Oh finally some action" said Tuffnut.

"Well come on let's go" said Ruffnut in a hurry. They all took off and started heading north to find that ship. Just to fill you in on why Ruffnut was in a hurry to get up in the air. She started to have a crush on Ryker Grimborn after one of the attacks on the hunters. She liked how handsome and strong he was. She also liked how smart he was at making decisions, even tho the other dragon riders didn't think he wasn't that smart at making decisions. After an hour of flying they made it to changewing island. They spotted the ship almost immediately after they got there.

"Alright you guys now be careful. These dragon hunters are sneaky so be aware of your surroundings. Got it" said Hiccup.

"Got it" said everyone else.

"Ok. Now Fishlegs and Snotlout, you guys will take the east side of the island. Ruff and Tuff you'll take the west side. Me and Astrid will take the middle. Got it" said Hiccup.

"Yes" said everyone.

"Ok. Now go" said Hiccup. They all split up in their assigned directions. With Snotlout and Fishlegs.

"Uhhhh. I dont see any dragon hunters. Maybe we can head in the other directions and help the others search" said Snotlout.

"No Snotlout. We still have quite a bit of land to search still and we cant bother the others well there searching to" said Fishlegs.

"Ugh fine" said Snotlout in a annoyed tone.
With Hiccup and Astrid.

"Ugh. This doesn't make any sense. No tracks, no arrows and no cages. Where could they be" said Astrid.

"Idk Astrid but we have to keep looking. We saw their ship was here so they have to be here somewhere" said Hiccup.

"Yea your right Hiccup. Let's just hope they others are having better luck than us" said Astrid. With the twins.

"So what do we do when we find the dragon hunters" said Tuffnut.

"Idk Tuff. Hiccup didn't say anything about when we find them so who knows" said Ruffnut.

"Yea. Wait do u hear that" said Tuffnut.

"I dont hear anythi-" said Ruffnut before being cut off by Tuffnut.

"I hear voices from..... That way" said Tuffnut. They ran quietly in the direction Tuffnut was saying he heard voices from.

"Get down" said Ruffnut.

"What! Why" said Tuffnut.

"Look. Their they are" said Ruffnut.

"Oh my thor. We need to get the others now" said Tuffnut.

"Yea. Let's go" said Ruffnut. As they were walking away, Tuffnut stepped on a stick and it cracked.

"What was that. It sounded like it came from that way" said a few of the dragon hunters.

"Uh oh" said Tuffnut and Ruffnut.

" Oi dragon riders. This way" said said a dragon hunter.

"RUN" said Ruffnut as they were sprinting for their lives. After 3 minutes of running Ruffnut gets caught in a dragon trap while Tuffnut kept running not looking back.

"Oi. We caught one" said a dragon hunter. After cutting the net and tieing Ruffnut up they brought her back to ship.

"Well. Look what we have here. Ruffnut Thorston. What a nice surprise" said Ryker in a teasing tone while lifting her chin so he can look at her face. Ruffnut was trying her best not to look in Ryker's eyes so she won't blush. When Ryker got a closer look at her face he realized how pretty and cute she was. He let go of her chin and stepped back a bit.

"Take her down to the cages. I will talk to her in a bit" said Ryker. The dragon hunters obeyed his orders and brought Ruffnut down to the cages. They locked her in one and left. Ruffnut sat there, a bit sad that her brother didn't turn around and tried to save her. Not long after Ryker came to talk to her and try to get some info out of her about the dragon hunters. But little did Ruffnut know that Ryker had a crush on her to after on of they attacks the riders did.

"So Ruffnut. What were you doing here on changewing island. Did you came here by yourself or with the others" said Ryker.

"I'm not saying anything" said Ruffnut.

"So your going to play it that way then. I like a challenge" said Ryker. Ruffnut was a bit confused but shocked it off at nothing. After a bit of trying to get Ruffnut to say anything. Ryker gave up for now and left her for a bit to go grab something.

                         To Be Continued...

Forbidden Romance (Ryker x Ruffnut)Where stories live. Discover now