The suprise

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It's been 1 month since the dragon riders attack the dragon hunter base. Ryker and Ruffnut were just talking till Viggo came with a letter in his hand.

"Hey Ryker. Hey Ruffnut" said Viggo

"Hey Viggo. What's up" said Ryker.

"I got a letter. It says it's for Ruffnut" said Viggo with confusion in his voice. Ryker lifted and eyebrow while Ruffnut was trying to figure out who sent it. Viggo handed it to Ruffnut. Ruffnut opened it and her month dropped.

"What does it say" said Ryker.

"Its from Tuffnut. He says that he's going to try and visit me at the base" said Ruffnut in shock. Both Ryker and Viggo were shocked at what she just said.

"Can I see" said Ryker. Ruffnut handed the letter to him. Ryker read it.

"Its true. Tuffnut is going to try and visit" said Ryker.

"Well I better let the hunters know that there's a visitor coming and not to hurt him" said Viggo.

"Ok. Bye Viggo" said Ryker.

"Bye Ryker" said Viggo while he walks away.

"Can't believe my brother is coming to visit. That's a shocker" said Ruffnut.

"Yea. You excited to see him I'm guessing" said Ryker.

"Yea. It's been a month since we last saw him. Wonder how he has been doing" said Ruffnut.

"I must go now. I'll come back later to let you know when your brother arrived" said Ryker.

"Ok. Love you Ryky" said Ruffnut.

"Love you to cutie" said Ryker while he walks away. After 2 hours Tuffnut arrives at the base. The hunters spotted him and were ready to shoot until Ryker yelled to not shoot and that he was the visitor. The hunters were confused but they listen and held their fire. Tuffnut landed in front of the cages and Ryker came to join him.

"Hey Ryker. Hows Ruffnut been" said Tuffnut while getting off Belch.

"Shes been good. We got your letter saying you wanted to visit her" said Ryker.

"Yea. I've been a bit worried about her since the attack we did" said Tuffnut.

"Well follow me. I'll take you to her" said Ryker. They started to walk towards Ruffnut's cage. Ruffnut heard chatter from the entrance of the cages and recognized it was Ryker and her brother.

"TUFF" yelled Ruffnut.

"RUFF" yelled Tuffnut as he ran towards her cage following Barf&Belch. Ryker ran to catch up with them. When Ryker got there he unlocked the cage and Ruffnut ran and hugged her brother. Tuffnut hugged Ruffnut back.

"I missed you little bro" said Ruffnut.

"I missed you to sis" said Tuffnut. Ryker smiled at them hugging.

"Whatcha been doing out at the edge" said Ruffnut while letting go Tuffnut.

"Nothing much. Just pranking the others with Barf&Belch" said Tuffnut.

"Aww. Your pranking the others without me" said Ruffnut. Ryker chucked and walked up beside Ruffnut to grab her hand.

"I see that you two are still a thing" said Tuffnut.

"Is that an insult" said Ruffnut.

"Nah. Just pointing it out" said Tuffnut. They all started talking for a while without realizing how long it has been. By the time they stopped talking it was sunset.

"Crap" said Tuffnut in a shocked tone.

"What's wrong Tuff" said Ruffnut.

"I was supposed to be back at the edge before sunset. Hiccup and the others and going to be suspicious why I'm not back by now" said Tuffnut in a worried tone. "I'm sorry Ruffnut but I have to go now. I promise I'll be back soon"

"Its ok Tuff. I don't want them getting suspicious either" said Ruffnut while giving Tuffnut one last hug.

"Bye Ruff" said Tuffnut.

"Bye Tuff" said Ruffnut.

"I'll be back. I promise" said Tuffnut.

"I know you will" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut climbed back up on Belch and looked at the both of them before saying something to Ryker.

"Take care of her while I'm gone Ryker" said Tuffnut.

"Dont worry. I will" said Ryker while grabbing Ruffnuts hand. Tuffnut took off and flew out of the cages and left the dragon hunters base back to the edge. Ruffnut was a bit sad that Tuffnut had to leave but she knew he would be back.

"Hey. Don't worry. He'll be ok" said Ryker while kissing Ruffnut's forehead.

"I know Ryker. I know" said Ruffnut. "I think I'll go to sleep now. Night Ryker"

"Ok. Goodnight to you to Ruffnut" said Ryker. Ruffnut gave him a goodnight kiss and went in her cage to go to sleep. Ryker left to go grab something. Ruffnut was confused at why Ryker didn't close the cage door. Ryker came back a few minutes later with a spare blanket and pillow for Ruff. He gave them to her and Ruffnut smiled.

"Thanks Ryker" said Ruffnut.

"Your welcome. Now get some rest" said Ryker kissing Ruffnut's forehead one last time. Ruffnut made her bed, layed down and went to sleep. Ryker closed the cage door and left to go get some rest himself. They both went to sleep peacefully but little did they know that it wasn't going to be to long before they see Tuffnut again, and not in a good way.

                               To be Continued...

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