The game

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It was the next day. Ruffnut, Ryker, Viggo and Tuffnut were just hanging out in the cages playing a game called Truth or Dare. They've been playing it for an hour now before things started to take a weird turn.

"Ok my turn. Ryker truth or dare" said Viggo.

"Dare" said Ryker feeling very confident.

"I dare you to kiss Ruffnut" said Viggo.

"Ok" said Ryker. He kissed Ruffnut and Ruffnut smiled. "Ok my turn. Tuffnut truth or dare"

"Truth" said Tuffnut.

"Is it true that you were scared of Ruffnut before" said Ryker.

"No" said Tuffnut."Ok. Truth or dare Ruffnut"

"Dare" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut smiled and Ruffnut instantly regretted her decision. Tuffnut walk up to her and whispered in her ear the dare. "Oh thor no. I'm not doing that"

"You have to it's a dare" said Tuffnut.

"I am going to beat the living yak dun out of you when I'm done my dare" said Ruffnut.

"Yea yea I know. Now come on" said Tuffnut he grabbed Ruffnut's arm and dragged her further down the hall of cages. Ryker was confused but Viggo knows what Tuffnut is doing.

"Well I must go now. See you guys later" said Viggo while walking away.

"Ok. See you later" said Ryker. He was still confused until he heard Ruffnut yell.

"WHAT IS THIS" yelled Ruffnut.

"Its your outfit. Now go show Ryker" said Tuffnut

"I'm not showing him this. It's going to break him" said Ruffnut.

"Oh come on. Don't be so over dramatic. You'll be fine" said Tuffnut. "I'm going to get Ryker now"

"Oh thor no. You are staying here. I'm not showing him this and that's final" said Ruffnut.

"Showing me wha-" said Ryker before he looked at what she was wearing. Ryker froze and Ruffnut started to turn red from embarrassment.

"Look now he's broken. You happy" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut was dieing of laughter because it was better than he imagined of what was going to happen. Ryker than grabbed a blanket and walked towards Ruffnut. He wrapped it around her, covering what she was wearing.

"Get changed before someone else sees you wearing that" said Ryker.

"Ok" said Ruffnut starting to turn back to her regular color. Ryker grabbed Tuffnuts arm and yanked him away from Ruffnut so she can change. After Ruffnut changed, she went to meet Ryker and Tuffnut. She was still a bit red from what happened but she wasn't as red as before. When she got there, Tuffnut apologized for the dare and she forgave him but still punched him as hard as she can in the gut.

"Well. I think I'm going to go now. Bye guys" said Tuffnut while still holding his gut with one arm. He left the cages and left Ryker and Ruffnut in silence. Ruffnut looked at Ryker and blushed a little from what she was wearing in front of him. Ryker noticed and hugged her. He picked her up and kissed her on the forehead. Ruffnut blush a little bit more and Ryker chuckled.

"You can put me down now" said Ruffnut still being a bit flustered.

"Nah" said Ryker said while walking to Ruffnuts old cage.

"Can you please put me down" said Ruffnut.

"Nah" said Ryker. When they got to Ruffnut's old cage, he put her down and stepped back a little.

"Hey. My old bed I made" said Ruffnut as she went to go and lay down in it. She layed down and put the blanket over her as if she was going to sleep. Ryker went to the opposite side of her and layed right next to her, putting his arm over her stomach. Ruffnut grabbed his hand and held it tightly. Ryker smiled and noticed that Ruffnut fell asleep. He chucked and not long after he went to sleep to.

                                   To be Continued...

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