The attempted rescue

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With the dragon riders. They all meet up back at the spot they landed at. Tuffnut looks behind him and sees that Ruffnut is no where to be found.

"Hey Tuffnut. Where's Ruffnut" said Hiccup.

"Ummm. I think we got separated while we were being chased by the dragon hunters" said Tuffnut.

"So you LOST HER" said Hiccup.

"Yea" said Tuffnut.

"Calm down Hiccup. All we need to worry right now is finding Ruffnut" said Fishlegs.

"Yea. I agree with Fishlegs" said Astrid.

"Alright. Well lead the way Tuff" said Hiccup. Tuffnut started walking in the direction he was running. After 4 minutes of walking.

"Hey guys. Look. A dragon trap" said Snotlout. "And it looks like it did catch something but it got out" The riders went over to see the dragon trap and discovered that it didn't catch a dragon. It caught Ruffnut.

"Uh you guys. These aren't dragon tracks. There Ruffnut's tracks and dragon hunters" said Fishlegs.

"The dragon hunters caught Ruffnut and probably brought her back to their ship" said Astrid.

"Yea. That's what it seems like" said Hiccup.

"How. How can I be so stupid. I let my only sister get caught by the dragon hunters" said Tuffnut.

"Tuffnut dont be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault that Ruffnut got caught ok" said Hiccup.

"Your right Hiccup. But now we need to go save her" said Tuffnut.

"We will go save her Tuffnut. But we need a plan first. We need to do something about those dragon root arrows. If 1 hits our dragon, we will get caught" said Fishlegs.

"I agree with Fishlegs for once" said Snotlout.

"Dont worry we will get her back" said Hiccup. With Ruffnut. She was starting to get bored and couldn't do much with the chains around her hands. She tried to get out of them several times but it was no use. She heard some footsteps coming towards her.

"Ryker wants to see you" said the dragon hunter. He unlocked the cage and grabbed her, yanking her off the ground. They started walking to the captain's corridor. The dragon hunter opened the door and pushed Ruffnut in.

"Here she is sir" said the dragon hunter.

"Thank you" said Ryker in a bit of a irritated tone. "Come sit down. I want to talk to you"

"If it's about anything to do with the other dragon riders then your not getting anything out of me" said Ruffnut.

"I'm not going to ask you anything about them. I want to get to know you a bit better" said Ryker with a smile on his face. Ruffnut was confused and shocked about what he said. Of course she wanted to get to know Ryker a bit more but she still thinks it's a trap. Ryker saw the expression on her face.

"If you think it's a trap than no. It's not a trap and I want to get to know you" said Ryker. Ruffnut looked at Ryker with a bit of confusion but she knew he was telling the truth.

"Soooo what do u do for a hobby" said Ruffnut. "Other than killing dragons and the dragon riders" she said teasingly. Ryker was a bit shocked but he accepted that he will get to know his crush more.

"I like to train in my free time. I dont have a hobby" said Ryker. "What about you cutie" he said with a chuckle. Ruffnut blushed a little about what he called her.

"I'm not cute first of all and second I like to prank the others with my brother" said Ruffnut.

"You sure your not cute because I dont believe you when you say your not cute" said Ryker in a flirting tone. This made Ruffnut blush a bit more because she never got complimented like this and especially not from her crush.

"I see that your blushing. Are you blushing because I'm calling you cute cutie" said Ryker in a teasing tone. Ruffnut grunted in response that made Ryker chuckle. They started to ask each other more questions to get to know each other more. With the dragon riders.

"Ok. Does everyone understand the plan" said Hiccup.

"Yes" said everyone.

"Ok. Now be careful and remember expect the unexpected" said Hiccup.

"Uhhhh. We know that already Hiccup. Now come on I want to kick some dragon hunter butt already" said Snotlout.

"Alright then. Saddle up gang" said Hiccup. They all got on there dragons and flew up in the air. After 3 minutes of flying they spotted the ship still in the same position as it was when they first came.

"Ok guys ready.....NOW" said Hiccup. The dragon riders doved towards the ship. Fishlegs and Snotlout went to the bay and started to take out some of the hunters there. Astrid, Hiccup and Tuffnut went to the ship and started taking out the hunters on the deck. Toothless, Stormfly, Barf and Belch blasted the ship causing to ship to rock. In the captain's corridor, the blast from Toothless, Stormfly, Barf and Belch rocked the ship causing Ruffnut and Ryker to fall out of there chairs and onto the wall. Ryker landed on the wall first then Ruffnut landed on top of him. They both looked at each other than realised how close they were. Ruffnut got off of Ryker and standed up. Ryker got up after and the both blushed a little from the embarrassment. Not long after another blast hit the ship. They both realised that it was the other riders trying to save Ruffnut. They both walked out into the room where the cages were. Then a 3rd blast came but from the other end of the ship causing Ruffnut to loose her balance and land in a cage where the door closed and locked. Ruffnut decided not to get up because she knew she will lose her balance again.

"Ruffnut are you ok" said Ryker in a worried tone.

"I'm fine Ryker. Can you go up on deck to see what's happening" said Ruffnut in a reassuring tone.

"You sure" said Ryker still a bit worried.

"Yes. Now go" said Ruffnut. Ryker started running up to the deck to see what in thor's name was happening. When he got up on the deck he saw the dragon riders blasting the ship causing it to rock. He got angry at the riders because of their blasts rocking the ship it hurt Ruffnut.

"Fire the catapults at the riders and dont stop until their knocked out of the sky" Ryker yelled in a angry tone. After 20 minutes of fighting and still no where close to getting near the ship to rescue Ruffnut. Astrid and the other riders said something to Hiccup that made them make a decision that they thought to never make.

"Hiccup. The catapult shots and arrows are getting way to close now. I say we head back and make another plan" said Astrid.

"I have to agree with Astrid Hiccup. I dont want to stop fighting but the dragons are getting really tired" said Fishlegs.

"Ok. Let's head back and regroup. I'm sorry Tuffnut but we will get her back. I promise" said Hiccup.

"If you say so Hiccup" said Tuffnut in a sad tone. The dragon riders flew off to regroup. Ryker smiled seeing as the flew off but was a bit sad thinking about what he's suppose to tell Ruffnut. Was she going to be angry that he stopped at nothing just to keep her to himself. He didn't want to lie to her so he decided to tell her the truth. He walked back to the cages and went to the cage that Ruffnut was in.

"Hey Ryker. What was happening out there" said Ruffnut.

"The dragon riders came and started blasting the ship. I'm guessing they were trying to rescue you. They left to go regroup after a 20 minute battle" said Ryker while preparing himself to be hated by his crush.

"Oh ok. Makes sense" said Ruffnut. Ryker was shocked by her reaction.

"Your not angry" said Ryker in a confused tone.

"Why would I be angry? I know they will come back to try to rescue me again but till then we can still hangout" said Ruffnut. Ryker was shocked by what she said but was happy that she wasn't angry. Ryker unlocked the cage and helped Ruffnut up to her feet and went back to the captain's corridor.

                          To be Continued...

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