The arrival at the base

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It's been another 2 days since they left the island and started to go back to the dragon hunters base. Ruffnut and Ryker were just cuddling in the captain's corridor when the boat came to a sudden stop. Not long after there was a knock at the door. Ruffnut jumped from Rykers lap and Ryker stood up.

"Come in" said Ryker.

"We have arrived at the base sir" said the dragon hunter.

"Ok. I will bring the 'prisoner' to their cage. You may leave now" said Ryker. The dragon hunter left and closed the door. Ryker and Ruffnut sighed of relief that they were not caught.

"Come on cutie. I wish you could stay with me while I work around the base but we can't reveal our relationship. It can get both of us in serious trouble" said Ryker.

"I know Ryker. I would love to walk around the base with you but like you said we can't reveal our relationship" said Ruffnut. They both started walking up to the deck and on to the docks. Around 5 minutes after they got off the ship. Viggo came to welcome him back to the base.

"Welcome back brother. I see we have a prisoner" said Viggo. Ryker was a bit irritated by the way that Viggo was talking about Ruffnut but he kept him cool.

"Yes. We were searching for Johan's treasure when she got trapped in one of the dragon traps. The other dragon riders tried to save her but didn't succeed" said Ryker while looking at Ruffnut in a caring way.

"Well I'll leave you to go bring her to her new home. Then you can get some rest from the long journey" said Viggo.

"I will Viggo" said Ryker. Viggo left him and Ruffnut to be. Ryker was a bit hurt about what he had to say about Ruff.

"I'm sorry for letting him call you a 'prisoner' Ruff" said Ryker.

"Its ok Ryky. I know it's the only way we can keep our relationship secret so don't worry" said Ruffnut. Ryker looked at her and smiled. They started walking towards the cages. Ryker picked out the nicest one for her and let her in. He entered the cage so no one can see him give Ruffnut a kiss.

"Bye Ryky" said Ruffnut.

"Bye cutie" said Ryker making Ruffnut blush a bit. He closed the door and waved goodbye to her. She waved goodbye back and Ryker walked off with a bit of sadness that Ruffnut can't be with him around the base. Later that day, it was around supper time when Ryker came back to Ruffnut's cage to see her laying on the floor in boredom.

"I see that someone is bored" said Ryker. Ruffnut sat up fast and looked at Ryker with a smile. "I brought you something to eat and some things to keep you from being do bored"

"Thanks Ryky" said Ruffnut.

"Your welcome cutie" said Ryker. "I'm afraid that I have to leave now before someone sees us. Bye cutie"

"Bye Ryky" said Ruffnut with a smile which made Ryker's heart beat faster. Ryker left and Ruffnut ate her dinner then went to sleep.

                            To be Continued...

Forbidden Romance (Ryker x Ruffnut)Where stories live. Discover now