The Kiss

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It's been a few days since the dragon riders tried to rescue Ruffnut from the dragon hunters. The dragon riders are still trying to figure out a good plan while Ruffnut and Ryker were just talking the days away. In the captain's corridor. Ruffnut and Ryker were just chatting away. They started to like each other more since they got to know each other better. Ruffnut was saying something until she noticed that Ryker was looking at her lips. She was confused at why he was looking at her lips.

"Hey. Is something wrong" asked Ruffnut.

"Oh. Sorry I just zoned out" said Ryker. Ruffnut kept talking and Ryker was looking at her lips again. Ruffnut noticed and was really curious about why he's looking at her lips. Not that long after Ruffnut felt something press against her lips. It took her a second to realize that it was Ryker. Ryker broke the kiss and realized what he done.

"Oh. I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what got into m-" said Ryker before getting cut off. Ruffnut kissed him back and Ryker was shocked about what she's doing. Ruffnut broke the kiss and blushed at what she did. She looked away to hide her blush but it was to late.

"I guess you like me back. Am I correct" asked Ryker.

"Yes. I like you a lot Ryker" said Ruffnut while blushing. Ryker chuckled and grabbed her chin gently and raised it to look at her beautiful eyes. He kissed her once again and Ruffnut kissed back. After they broke the kiss, Ruffnut hugged Ryker and Ryker hugged her back.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend Ruffnut" asked Ryker.

"Yes you dummy" said Ruffnut in response. They both kissed again and cuddled for the rest of the day.

                          To be Continued...

Forbidden Romance (Ryker x Ruffnut)Where stories live. Discover now