The attack

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It's the next day when there was a loud explosion. The whole base was startled at what they just heard. Ryker and Ruffnut woke up with a shocked expression. Ryker got out of his bed and open his door to see that the dragon riders are attacking the base. Ruffnut was standing right next to the cage door to see what's happening but she can't get a clear view. Ryker ran to the cages where Ruffnut was to see if she was ok.

"RUFFNUT! Oh thank thor your ok" Ryker said when he got to the cages.

"What's happening out there" said Ruffnut in a terrified tone.

"The dragon riders are attacking the base. There here to try to rescue you" said Ryker. There was another loud explosion before Ryker ran out.

"Be safe Ryker" said Ruffnut.

"I will. Don't worry" said Ryker while running. Ruffnut sat down and tried to calm herself. Ryker left the cages and saw Viggo fighting one of the dragon riders. Another dragon rider was sneaking up behind Viggo to try and get a sneak attack. Ryker ran and got one of his swords out of his holder on his back. He swang his sword knocking out the weapon out of the dragon riders hand. He grabbed the rider and threw him. The rider landed hard on the ground, knocking himself out. Viggo knocked out the other rider he was fighting.

"Are you ok Viggo" said Ryker.

"Yea. I'm fine. You should go to the cages and make sure that the dragon riders don't take your girlfriend away" said Viggo. Ryker nodded and ran back to the cages while Viggo went to help the other hunters. Ryker got to the cages and saw Ruffnut sitting there worried.

"Hey cutie. I'm back" said Ryker.

"Thank thor your ok. I heard a battle and thought you got hurt" said Ruffnut.

"Well dont worry. I'm not hurt" said Ryker in a reassuring tone while sitting down. Ruffnut smiled and put her hand through one of the holes in the cage door. Ryker grabbed her hand and held it for a while. After a few minutes they heard a dragon rawr on the other side, towards the entrance to the cages. Ryker let go of Ruffnut's hand and looked in that direction. He saw a shadow coming and he stood up. He got his swords out and was ready to protect Ruffnut. Ruffnut stood up to see what Ryker and recognized the shadow. It was her brother and their dragon Barf&Belch.

"Wait Ryker. I know which dragon rider this is. Its Tuffnut and our dragon" whispered Ruffnut. Ryker looked and Ruffnut then back at the shadow and she was correct, it was Tuffnut with Barf&Belch. Tuffnut walked around the corner and saw Ryker protecting Ruffnut. He was shocked at what he was seeing.

"Ruffnut. Are you ok" said Tuffnut in a worried tone.

"Yes. I'm fine Tuffnut" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut charged at Ryker with his mace in hand, ready to hit him when Ruffnut yelled.

"Wait Tuff! Don't hurt Ryker" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut stopped charging and looked at Ruffnut in disbelief of what she just said.

"What do you mean. Don't hurt Ryker. He captured you" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut looked at Ryker and Ryker nodded, telling Ruffnut to tell him. Ruffnut took a deep breath and looked at Tuffnut.

"Because Ryker is my boyfriend Tuffnut" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut as well as Barf&Belch were in disbelief at what she just said. It took a few seconds to process what she said before Tuffnut spoke again.

"So you and Ryker are dating" said Tuffnut.

"Yes Tuffnut" said Ruffnut. "But please don't tell the others. I'm begging you not to tell them. If they know, they might hate me and I don't want that to happen" Tuffnut laughed leaving Ruffnut and Ryker confused. After Tuffnut stopped laughing he said something.

"I'm not going to tell them Ruffnut. I support you guys. Both me and Barf&Belch" said Tuffnut while Barf&Belch nodded in agreement.

"So your not mad that I'm dating your sister" said Ryker.

"No I'm not but if you hurt her I will deal with you myself" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut giggled and Ryker looked at Tuffnut like 'do you think you scare me' look.

"Yea. You don't scare me" said Ryker. Ruffnut laughed and Tuffnut gave Ryker a glare. Before one of them was going to say something else there was a 3rd explosion.

"I have to go now. Are you going to stay here Ruffnut or do you want to come with me" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut looked at Ryker and Ryker whispered "Its your choice. Whatever you choose I'll support you". Ruffnut was silent for a second before she spoke.

"Im going to stay here Tuffnut" said Ruffnut.

"Are you sure Ruffnut. You don't have to stay here if you don't want to" said Ryker.

"I'm sure Ryker" said Ruffnut while holding out her hand through on of the holes in the cage door. Ryker grabbed her hand and they both looked back at Tuffnut who was leaving.

"Stay safe Ruffnut" said Tuffnut while looking back. "You better not hurt her Ryker"

"I will. You stay safe to Tuffnut" said Ruffnut.

"I will never hurt her" said Ryker. Tuffnut smiled and got on Belch. They flew out of the cages and went into the sky to meet the others.

"Was she in there Tuffnut" said Fishlegs. Tuffnut looked down in disappointment. Tuffnut was acting to make it believable that she didn't found her even tho he did. Hiccup yelled in frustration that they can't find her.

"I knew it! They knew we were coming and moved her so we couldn't find her" yelled Hiccup.

"Its ok Hiccup. We will find her" said Astrid.

"Yea. Don't worry" said Snotlout.

"We better leave and come up with another plan" said Hiccup. The riders nodded and left. The hunters cheered as they were retreating. Viggo started to walk to the cages to see Ryker since he hasn't come out yet. When Viggo walked in the cages he saw something that made him smile. He saw Ryker and Ruffnut were cuddling on the floor asleep. Viggo chuckled and closed the cage door. He pulled the curtain that goes over the cage door so no one can see them cuddling. Viggo walked off and left them be.

                              To be Continued...

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