The shocker

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It's been a week since they played truth or dare. Tuffnut and Ruffnut were talking when Viggo and Ryker walked up to them.

"Hey Ryker. What's up" said Ruffnut.

"Nothing much cutie. Whatcha doing" said Ryker. Ruffnut blushed a little before she responded.

"Just talking to Tuffnut" said Ruffnut.

"Why are you guys over here anyways? Shouldn't you guys be walking around, making sure everything in in order" said Tuffnut.

"Well the thing is, me and Ryker have to sail out to sea for awhile to find more of Johan's treasure. We were wondering if you guys want to come with us" said Viggo. Tuffnut and Ruffnut looked at each other then back at them.

"Sure. We'll come with you guys" said Tuffnut.

"Ok. We are leaving in a few minutes. I suggest that you guys get your dragon before we leave" said Viggo.

"We'll meet you guys at the docks" said Ryker. "We need to pack a bit for the trip"

"Ok. We'll see you guys soon" said Ruffnut.

"Bye" said Ryker. They all walked off in different directions. Tuffnut and Ruffnut went to go find Barf&Belch while Ryker and Viggo went to go pack. After a few minutes they were all at the docks.

"Hey guys" said Tuffnut.

"Hey" said Viggo.

"Come on let's get on the boat already" said Tuffnut.

"Ok ok. Calm down" said Viggo. They all got on the boat and headed out to sea. After an hour of sailing at sea, Ruffnut, Ryker, Viggo and Tuffnut were bored. The four of them were below the deck when Tuffnut suggested something.

"Hey. How about we play truth or dare again" said Tuffnut.

"Yea. I'm fine with that" said Viggo.

"Oh thor no. Tuff do you remember what happened the past time we play that" said Ruffnut in a angry tone.

"I dont know what your talking about" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut glared at him. "Uh. Fine. We won't play truth or dare"

"So what are we suppose to do now" said Ryker.

"I don't know" said Ruffnut. Just then there was a loud boom on the side of the ship.

"What in thor's name was that" said Tuffnut.

"I don't know. Let's go check it out. Ryker and Ruffnut, you guys are staying here" said Viggo.

"Why can't I come and investigate to" said Ryker.

"Yea. Why can't I either" said Ruffnut.

"Because if it's the dragon riders. They might try and save you when your on the deck and Ryker, you are going to protect your girlfriend if you don't want her to be with them" said Viggo.

"Ok. Fair point" said Ruffnut.

"That's true. I dont want her to go with them" said Ryker. Viggo and Tuffnut went up to the deck and just as they suspected, it was the dragon riders. The dragon riders were blasting the ships, destroying the catapults and shooting at the archers. Tuffnut ran to Barf&Belch and got on Belch. He took off in the air to fight the riders while Viggo helped the hunters try to shoot the riders down. Down underneath the deck. Ryker and Ruffnut were heading to the captain's corridor. When they got there, there was another blast the made Ruffnut trip but Ryker caught her. Ruffnut stood up and they walked to the desk and sat down.

"It seems like we're being attacked by the riders again" said Ryker.

"Yea. I've never seen them like this. I've never thought they would turn on a dragon rider like that and well... you know the rest" said Ruffnut. Ruffnut looked down as she was finishing her sentence.

"Yea I know. I never thought they would do that to" said Ryker while he got up. He walked over to Ruffnut and picked her up. He brought her over to his chair and sat down, putting her on his lap. Ruffnut layed her head on Ryker's chest and Ryker kissed her forehead. "But don't worry. We will get an explanation from them when the time is right so don't worry"

"I know. But I'm mostly worried for Tuffnut, they already attacked him once. Now that he's up there on the deck. What if they hurt him again" said Ruffnut.

"Don't worry. He has Barf&Belch with him. They'll protect him. Right now we need to make sure that us and everyone is safe" said Ryker.

"If you say so Ryker" said Ruffnut. Ryker kissed her forehead in reassurance that everything will be ok. Up on the deck. Tuffnut is in the air trying to do his best to knock the riders out of the sky. Viggo is shooting at the riders with the dragon root arrows. After five minutes, Astrid comes up behind Barf&Belch on Stormfly without them knowing. Stormfly then blasts Barf&Belch on their back and they fall out of the sky, landing on the deck.

"Are you ok Tuffnut" yells Viggo.

"Yea. I'm fine. Right now I'm worried about Barf&Belch" said Tuffnut. Just then, Snotlout and Fishlegs land on the deck and take out the guards while Astrid opens the entrance to below the deck. Hiccup and Toothless then land on the deck and go below deck. Viggo and Tuffnut didn't see them land because they are to busy fight Fishlegs and Snotlout. Below deck, Hiccup and Toothless look around and can't find Ruffnut or Ryker anywhere. They were about to leave when Hiccup realises that they didn't check the captain's corridor. With Ruffnut and Ryker.
They were just cuddling when they realized that the boat stopped shaking from the blasts. They both got up and headed towards the door.

"Hey Ryker. Can I have a kiss before we head up to the deck" said Ruffnut while smiling.

"Sure cutie" said Ryker while smiling. Ryker and Ruffnut were kissing when all of a sudden, Hiccup kicked open the door and saw them kissing. Ryker and Ruffnut broke the kiss and looked at Hiccup and Toothless.
Hiccup stood there in shock before he said something.


"No Hiccup. Ryker wasn't forcing me to kiss him. Me and Ryker are dating" said Ruffnut while looking at the ground. Ryker took a step forward, towards Ruffnut but stopped when Toothless growled.

"I can't believe this. First Tuffnut betrays us and now you" said Hiccup. When Hiccup said first Tuffnut betrayed us, that's when Ruffnut snapped.

"Tuffnut did not betray you! He came to visit me at the base and was heading back! He didn't say anything that could of taken you guys down! All he wanted to do was to see me and you guys attacked him! Plus why did you attack him anyways! He wasn't hurting anyone" yelled Ruffnut with tears in her eyes. Ryker walk towards her, ignoring Toothlesses growls and hugged her tightly. He then glared at Hiccup who took a step back.

"I... I can't believe it" said Hiccup.

"Yea. You should be ashamed of yourself for attacking my brother" said Ruffnut.

"No. I can't believe that you betrayed us to just to be with a dragon hunter" said Hiccup.

"So what. Do you guys want me to be unhappy for the rest of my life or be happy with someone I love dearly" said Ruffnut. Hiccup stood there in silence.

"You should leave now. All your doing is causing trouble and hurting Ruffnut" said Ryker. Toothless growled but Hiccup stopped him and said something.

"Fine. We'll leave but this won't be the last time you'll see us" said Hiccup before he and Toothles left. Ryker then looked at Ruffnut and gave her another hug.

"Don't listen to him. Your not a traitor. They just can't accept the fact that your happy" said Ryker trying to reassure Ruffnut.

"Yea. I guess your right" said Ruffnut. Ryker then picked her up and went back to his chair. He sat down and put Ruffnut back on his lap, hugging her tightly. Ruffnut layed her head on Ryker's chest and soon fell asleep. Ryker kissed her forehead and went to sleep, not long after she did. After five minutes. Viggo and Tuffnut came down to check on them. They got to the captain's corridor and saw them cuddling. They closed the door so they won't be disturbed and went to help the hunters clean up the deck.

                                 To be Continued...

Forbidden Romance (Ryker x Ruffnut)Where stories live. Discover now