The aftermath

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Ruffnut woke up the next morning to feel that someone was hugging her. She was confused until she turned around and saw Ryker cuddling her with his arm around her stomach. Ruffnut smiled and turned over to hug Ryker. She was happy to see that Ryker was not hurt in the battle. She kept hugging him until he started to wake up from her movement. Ryker looked down to see that Ruffnut was hugging him with her head on his chest. He smiled and kissed Ruffnut on her forehead.

"Goodmorning cutie" said Ryker with a smirk on his face.

"Morning Ryker" said Ruffnut looking up at him. Ryker tightened his arm around her and they cuddled for a few seconds before they heard someone speak.

"Aw. Now that's cute" said Tuffnut while Barf&Belch giggled. Ryker and Ruffnut looked at him with anger because he ruined their cuddle session.

"Oh shut up Tuffnut" said Ruffnut.

"Nah. I dont think that's possible" said Tuffnut.

"Oh I'll make it possible when I knock you ou-" said Ruffnut before Ryker put his hand over her mouth to stop her from finishing her sentence. Ryker removed his hand and Ruffnut looked at him.

"Really" said Ruffnut.

"Yes really" said Ryker. They both sat up and all three of them looked at each other.

"I see that your doing better. How are your wounds Tuff" said Ruffnut.

"There doing good. I dont feel as much pain as before I got here and Barf&Belch seem to be doing fine" said Tuffnut.

"Anyways how was the battle Ryker" said Ruffnut.

"It was good. The riders retreated after an hour of fighting. Some hunters got hurt but not seriously so that's good. But a lot of the base was damaged" said Ryker. "There is a lot of cleaning to do before we can do anything else"

"We can help if you want. I dont know if the other hunters will be happy about it but about what your saying about the damage, you'll need all the help you can get" said Ruffnut.

"Thxs. That would be appreciated. I will have to ask Viggo tho but if the other hunters see that you guys are helping us, maybe you guys can roam around the base instead of being in a cage all day" said Ryker.

"Yea. I think that it can work" said Tuffnut.

"Well we better get up and start helping then" said Ruffnut. They all agreed and got up. They all walked to the door and opened it. Ryker wasn't minding about the damage. The catapults were destroyed, the tents were burnt, the walls had huge holes in them and there were rocks everywhere. Ruffnut and Tuffnut were shocked at the damage of what the dragon riders did.

"You weren't kidding about the damage Ryker" said Ruffnut in disbelief.

"Yea. I know. We were shocked to after we looked around after the battle finished" said Ryker.

"We must start working then if this place wants to look good as new" said Ruffnut. Ryker nodded in agreement. They were still looking at the damage, not realizing that Viggo was coming towards them.

"I see that you guys are examining the damages I'm guessing" said Viggo. The others jumped and looked at Viggo in shock. They didn't here him coming.

"For thor sakes Viggo. You gave us a heart attack" said Ryker.

"Sorry about that. What are you guys doing anyways" said Viggo.

"Were looking at the damages of what the riders did. I was telling these two about them and they volunteered to help clean up" said Ryker.

"That's fine by me. Plus we do need all the help we can get and say, when the other hunters see that these two are helping. They'll know their not a threat anymore and you guys, especially you and Ruffnut, can hangout without being judged" said Viggo.

"Yea. That's what I was thinking" said Ryker.

"Well, I must be off now to help clean up. Say Tuffnut, can you and Barf&Belch come with me. Theres a huge pile of rocks that need to be removed. Can you help me" said Viggo with a smirk on his face. Tuffnut caught along of what he was doing.

"Sure. Me and Barf&Belch can help you. We'll see you guys later" said Tuffnut.

"Ok. Bye" said Ruffnut. Tuffnut then followed Viggo, leaving Ruffnut and Ryker alone.

"Well, we must start clean. Can you help me fix up the tents" said Ryker.

"Sure" said Ruffnut. They both went to the tents and started to clean up the mess. After four hours of cleaning up, with the help of the other hunters, they were done cleaning. Ryker and Ruffnut went to the cages and sat down to rest after non-stop cleaning.

"Well that took forever" said Ruffnut.

"Yea. Didn't think it would of took that long" said Ryker. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Well we must get back to the others" said Ryker.

"Can we stay here for a bit and just cuddle" asked Ruffnut. Ryker looked at her and smiled.

"Sure" said Ryker while putting his arm around her. Ruffnut leaned against him, resting her head on his chest. Ryker kissed her forehead and Ruffnut smiled.

"I love you Ryker" said Ruffnut.

"I love you to Ruffnut" said Ryker. They both stayed like that for a bit longer till they were interrupted.

"Aww. Well isn't this sweet" said Tuffnut and Viggo.

"Are you guys seriously here when me and Ruffnut are having a moment or is it always a coincidence" said Ryker sarcastically.

"I think it's both. Can you guys please stop ruining the moment for us" said Ruffnut.

"Sorry but we have to say something when we see you guys do something cute" said Tuufnut. Barf&Belch giggled and Ruffnut glared at Barf&Belch.

"Yea yea yea. Can you guys leave now" said Ruffnut.

"Ugh. Fine" said Tuffnut. The three of them left leaving Ryker and Ruffnut alone again. They both started cuddling again till Ryker saw the three of them pecking around the corner looking at them.

"You know I can see you right" said Ryker. The three of them ran after they were spotted. Ryker and Ruffnut were angry that they can't get a little privacy. It wasn't that long till they started cuddling again and forgot about the whole thing. They just sat there and cuddled for the rest of the day. Not really caring about what the other hunters thinking about where they are. They eventually both dosed off and fell asleep.

                                  To be Continued...

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