The betrayal

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Its was late at night. All the hunters including Ryker and Ruffnut were asleep. All of a sudden there was a loud thud. Ryker, Ruffnut and some of the hunters woke up. Ryker got out of bed and went to see what made that thud, what he wasn't expecting to recognize who it was. He walked over to the thud still half asleep. When he got closer he notice it was Tuffnut and Barf&Belch, looking like they were attacked.

"Oh my thor. Are you ok Tuffnut" said Ryker.

"Y-Yea. I'm f-fine" said Tuffnut while leaning against Barf&Belch.

"I'm going to get Ruffnut. Stay awake" said Ryker while running to Ruffnut's cage.

"I'll do m-my best" said Tuffnut trying not to past out. Viggo got out of his tent and went to assist Tuffnut while Ryker went to go grab Ruffnut.

"What was that loud thud" said Ruffnut.

"You should come see for yourself" said Ryker while unlocking the cage and opening the door. Ruffnut followed to where Ryker was leading them. When they got there, Ruffnut gasped and ran to Tuffnut.

"Are you ok Tuff. Who did this to you" said Ruffnut.

"The d-dragon riders found o-out that I c-came here. They said t-that they don't w-want a traitor a-and started blasting a-at us" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut, Ryker, Viggo and the hunters who were awake and were shocked at what he just said.

"The dragon riders attacked my little bro" said Ruffnut in disbelief which soon turn to angry. "THEY'RE GOING TO PAY FOR HURTING MY LITTLE BRO" she soon yelled. Tears started to form in her eyes and Ryker came to hug her.

"Alright. You three, take Tuffnut and his dragon to the med bay to treat their wounds" said Viggo. The tree dragon hunters obeyed and brought Tuffnut and his dragon to the med bay.

"Ryker take Ruffnut to your room and comfort her. It looks like she needs it" said Viggo. Ryker nodded and picked up Ruffnut to bring her to his room. When they got there, Ryker sat on his bed with Ruffnut on his lap and continued to hug her. Ruffnut hugged back, bearing her face in his chest. They stayed like that till they fell asleep. The next morning they woke up and went to the med bay to see how Tuff and Barf&Belch were doing.

"Hey there Tuff. How you doing" said Ruffnut.

"I'm doing better thxs for asking. Barf&Belch are still a bit weak but their also doing better to" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut went and hugged Tuffnut and Barf&Belch.

"I'm glad you guys are doing better" said Ryker. "I'm still a bit shocked at what the dragon riders did to you two"

"Yea. No kidding. I never thought they would do that to" said Ruffnut.

"Yea. But I have a feeling it's not going to be the last we see of them" said Tuffnut. They all looked at each other in silence before Viggo came in.

"Why is everyone being so quiet" said Viggo.

"Idk" said Ryker.

"Well anyways. How are you doing Tuffnut" said Viggo.

"I'm doing better. Same with Barf&Belch" said Tuffnut.

"That's good to hear" said Viggo. "I must be going now. I need to make sure those riders are not coming"

"Ok Viggo" said Ryker. Viggo left the room and the other three started chatting for a while. After half and hour of talking it was dinner time.

"We must be going. Its dinner time and I'm a bit hungry" said Ryker.

"Yea. We should. Get some rest Tuff" said Ruffnut.

"I will. Dont worry" said Tuffnut. Ruffnut gave Tuffnut one more hug then went to pet Barf&Belch. Ryker and Ruffnut left and Tuffnut went to sleep.

"So should we be heading back to my cage. After all I'm still a 'prisoner' right" said Ruffnut.

"Nah. You can come with me to grab something to eat" said Ryker.

"You sure. I dont want the other hunters getting suspicious of anything" said Ruffnut.

"I'll deal with the hunters so dont worry. Come on" said Ryker.

"Ok" said Ruffnut. They went to the kitchen and both grabbed an apple. They both weren't that hungry. They sat at the table in the kitchen and ate. After they ate, they started to chat for a bit till a hunter walked in.

"Uh Ryker. Shouldn't the prisoner be in her cage" said the hunter.

"The prisoner is not going to do anything and since when did you start questioning my actions and decisions I make" said Ryker in a stern tone making Ruffnut blush a little.

"I-im sorry R-Ryker. It w-wont happen again" said the hunter, scared for his life.

"Its fine. Just dont do it again" said Ryker. The hunter ran out of the kitchen. Ryker and Ruffnut laughed at the hunter for running out like a scared little kid.

"We should head back. I'm starting to get a bit tired" said Ruffnut.

"Yea. We should" said Ryker. They got up from their chairs and left the kitchen. They were heading to the cages till one Viggo ran to them and stopped them.

"Viggo! What's wrong" said Ryker. Ruffnut was confused at what was happening.

"The dragon riders are on their way. One of the hunters spotted them from a distance. I advice you if you want to keep your girlfriend, you should hide her so they won't find her" said Viggo. Ryker and Ruffnut were shocked. The dragon riders are coming to attack again. There was already so much happening that they were frozen.

"Alright. Come on Ruffnut. I dont know what you want to do but I have a feeling you dont want to be with people who hurt your brother" said Ryker.

"Yea. Come on. Their probably not going to be much longer and your right, I dont want to go with people who hurt my brother" said Ruffnut. Ryker and Ruffnut than ran to Rykers room. When they got in there, Ruffnut sat on the bed while Ryker was leaving.

"Where are you going" said Ruffnut.

"I'm going to get Tuffnut. I have a feeling if they find him, they will end him" said Ryker.

"Ok. Dont forget Barf&Belch to" said Ruffnut.

"Dont worry. I won't" said Ryker. Ryker than ran off leaving Ruffnut in his room. After three minutes, Ryker is back with Tuffnut and Barf&Belch.

"Hey Tuff. I guess maybe Ryker or Viggo explained the situation to you" said Ruffnut while going to give him a hug.

"Yea. Viggo was explaining it to me when Ryker ran in" said Tuffnut.

"Well at least your safe" Ruffnut said while letting go of Tuffnut.

"You guys will be safe in here. I'll be back after the battle" said Ryker while giving Ruffnut a kiss.

"Ok. Stay safe" said Ruffnut.

"I will. Dont worry" said Ryker. He closed the door and ran to make sure the riders don't see where he was.

"Aw. That was cute" said Tuffnut.

"Oh shut up" said Ruffnut while blushing from embarrassment. Tuffnut along with Barf&Belch laughed.

"We should probably go to sleep" said Tuffnut.

"Yea. Goodnight Tuff" said Ruffnut while getting in Ryker's bed.

"Goodnight Ruff" said Tuffnut while getting on Barf&Belch's back. Tuffnut along with Barf&Belch fell asleep pretty fast while Ruffnut was awake, worried that something bad would happen to Ryker.

"Please stay safe Ryker" said Ruffnut before dosing off into slumber.

                               To be Continued...

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