The discovery

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It's been 3 weeks since Ruffnut and Ryker arrived at the dragon hunters base. Ruffnut was chilling in her cage when she heard footsteps. She recognized the footsteps and figured out it was Ryker.

"Hows my cutie doing today" said Ryker.

"I'm doing good. A little bored but no the less good" said Ruffnut. "What's been happening around the base"

"Nothing much. Me and Viggo been training and I had to break up a few fights between the hunters. So it's been interesting" said Ryker as he sat down.

"Aw man. I missed the fights. Who won" said Ruffnut.

"I broke up the fights so I dont know" said Ryker.

"You should had let them fight to see who was going to win. That would had been interesting to see" said Ruffnut.

"Maybe next time. I have to go now. I'll be back later to bring something for you to eat" said Ryker.

"Ok Ryky. Bye" said Ruffnut.

"Bye cutie" said Ryker. He left the cages and went for a walk around the base. Just to let you know that this isn't the first time Ryker went to the cages and talked to Ruffnut. He usually goes there in the afternoon and evening when no one's looking or so he thought. Viggo started getting a bit suspicious about why Ryker was going to the cages so often. Viggo's curiosity got the best of him and followed Ryker later that day to see why. Later that day around supper time, Ryker grabbed some food and started to go towards the cages. Viggo followed from a distance so Ryker doesn't see him. After getting to the cages he hid from a distance to see what Ryker was doing without trying to be spotted.

"I'm back" said Ryker.

"I can see that" said Ruffnut as she got up and walked to the door. Ryker opened the cage door quietly so no one can hear. He gave Ruffnut a hug and kissed her. Viggo was shocked and soon figured out that they were dating. He wasn't angry he was happy for his brother that he found someone.

"Well look what we have here" said Viggo. Ryker and Ruffnut stopped hugging and took a step away from each other. They looked at Viggo in horror that they were caught.

"Uh Viggo w-what are y-you doing here" said Ryker with a stutter. Ryker and Ruffnut were fearing for their lives because they don't know what Viggo was going to do next.

"Now brother. Why didn't you tell me you were dating Ruffnut" said Viggo.

"Dating. W-what do you mean by d-dating. We're not d-dating" said Ryker stuttering again.

"Don't worry brother. I'm not going to do anything to you two" said Viggo. Ryker and Ruffnut were shocked at what he just said.

"What" said Ruffnut in disbelief.

"I was wondering why Ryker was coming to the cages so often. I didn't think much of it at first but when he kept coming here. I knew something was up so I followed him here and saw that you to kissed. I was a bit shocked at the sight but it made sense. I give you my condolences and don't worry. I won't tell anyone" said Viggo. Ryker and Ruffnut were shocked but relieved at the same time. They were happy that Vigho wasn't going to punish them for what they were doing in secret.

"Thxs for supporting us Viggo. We really appreciate it" said Ryker.

"No problem but do me a favor and don't be to loud. We don't want to whole base to know now do we" said Viggo teasingly. Ruffnut turned the brightest red you can imagine and Ryker froze in embarrassment. Viggo laughed at what he was seeing especially from how his brother reacted.

"I hate you Viggo" said Ryker.

"I hate you to Ryker" said Viggo as he walked off leaving both Ruffnut and Ryker in a awkward silence.

"Sorry about what my brother said. He can be annoying sometimes" said Ryker.

"Its ok" said Ruffnut while trying to get her regular color back.

"Well I must go now. I wish I can stay longer but we don't want anyone else getting suspicious" said Ryker.

"Ok Ryker. Can I have one more kiss before you go tho" said Ruffnut. Ryker smiled and gave her one more kiss and one more hug.

"Bye cutie" said Ryker.

"Bye Ryky" said Ruffnut. Ryker left and Ruffnut layed down and went to sleep.

                            To be Continued...

Forbidden Romance (Ryker x Ruffnut)Where stories live. Discover now