Good To Be Home

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Present Day

Alarms started to blare about the bunker. Jiya and Mason sat at the computers waiting to see the Lifeboat reappear. Tenley stood behind Agent Christopher as the Lifeboat plopped down with a clank.

The hatch opened and the team started to emerge.

Denise asked, "How'd it go?"

Lucy was the first one out. "Fine," she stated. "Except for one thing..." Lucy turned to look back at the Lifeboat, just as Flynn stepped out.

His face had been bloodied and bruised. His clothes were ripped in areas, wrinkled, and filthy. He looked terrible.

Tenley's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She blinked at his appearance almost in shock. Agent Christopher asked, "What happened to you?"

Rufus stood beside Flynn and replied, "The Mountain happened."

Christopher looked confused. "I don't understand...did you fall off a mountain?"

Rufus stated, "Game of Thrones character... you know, the Hound's brother." When he saw that Christopher had no idea what he was talking about, Rufus rolled his head back. "Never mind."

Flynn groaned, "Think World's Strongest Man, but back in colonial times where steroids weren't the latest rage."

"Well, it's nice to see that you still have your sense of humor," Denise muttered. She sighed. "Get yourself cleaned up and check-in with the doc. Make sure you're not completely broken."

Flynn nodded and hobbled down the hall. Tenley took a glance at the rest of the team and realized that the only one who had suffered on this mission was Flynn, so she turned and hurried down the hall to catch up with him.

Jiya asked, "So? Did you guys actually meet Pocahontas? What's she like?"

Wyatt nodded. "Younger than the movies make her out to be." He started to unbutton his jacket and sniffed his shoulder, grimacing at his smell. "I need a shower."

"You and me both," Rufus added as he walked with Wyatt.

Denise looked at Lucy. "How are you doing?"

Lucy shrugged. "Fine. Why do you ask?"

"Making sure that everyone is managing," Christopher admitted. She motioned for Lucy to continue. "We'll debrief later. Get cleaned up."

Lucy took her leave and headed to her room. Since the guys were going to be taking the showers first, she decided that she would head to her room and check her history books on her shelf. She pulled one of them off her recently organized shelf and sat down on the bed, flipping the pages until she reached the chapters she was searching for.

She began reading all about the 'new' history of Jamestown. It talked about how the Governor had enlisted the help of some Turkish sympathizers to try and destroy the New World, but with the help of some settlers and John Smith, the plot was overthrown. The sympathizers and the Governor were given a trial and were hanged publicly, even with the Native Americans and Pocahontas present.

Pocahontas and John Smith continued their ongoing relationship, creating a positive relationship between their races and settlement and tribes. Eventually, their friendship grew into a more romantic one, and they married. Their marriage had bonded a strong alliance between the English and the Native Americans that are still substantial to this day. They had several children, who in turn had many children.

Due to the nature of their alliances, Jamestown didn't fail and the settlers didn't starve to death or die of terrible diseases. They flourished and soon after, more settlements began to pop up along the Virginian coastline.

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