Night Of Fate

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Rufus glanced at his watch, sighing in frustration. "We better head back. I hope they found something on their end."

Lucy shook her head, mirroring Rufus's frustrations. She hoped they could have found Catherine, but they hadn't even seen one person since they entered this alley. They saw plenty of animals, but not a single person.

As the two started back towards the square, they heard a woman scream. Quickly glancing at each other, they took off down the alley towards the screams.

Rounding the corner into the main alley, the two spotted a suited man attacking a woman with a knife and trying to stab her. Rufus shouted, "Hey!"

The man glanced up quickly. He saw Rufus aiming his gun at him and he took off down the alley where Flynn and Tenley had gone.

Rufus fired a round, trying to stop the man, but his bullet missed the target. He was about to give chance when Lucy shouted, "Rufus!"

He rushed over to Lucy's side. The woman was still alive, but bleeding out.

Lucy placed her hand over the woman's neck, trying to still the bleeding. "We need Tenley!"

Rufus stood up and said, "I'll go after them. Be right back."

"Be careful!" Lucy shouted as he disappeared down the alley where the attacker had taken off.

Lucy turned her attention back to the woman. "Don't speak," she cooed. "We've got a doctor friend...hopefully she'll make it in time."

The poor woman on the ground nodded, crying, and moaning in pain. She kept trying to speak, but eventually gave up.

Flynn and Tenley heard the gunfire and stopped dead in their tracks in the middle of the alley. Tenley looked over at Flynn. "Was that-"

"Rufus," he announced, pulling Tenley's hand as they ran down the alley towards the exit.

As they rounded the corner, a man bowled them over. Tenley cried out as she fell to the ground. Flynn was knocked backward into the wall. He recovered his footing and eyed the man as he disappeared into the fog.

Flynn bent down and helped Tenley to her feet. "Are you all right?"

Tenley nodded. "Yeah...I'm okay."

Footsteps came rushing up behind them. Flynn raised his gun as the man suddenly appeared. It was Rufus.

Rufus saw Flynn aiming his gun at him and raised his hands instinctively. "Whoa! It's me!"

"We heard you fire the gun," Tenley admitted. "Are you guys okay? Where's Lucy?"

"We need you," Rufus announced, looking at Tenley.

"What happened?" she asked, worried for Lucy.

Rufus started to lead them back through the alley. He explained, "I think we found Catherine."

When they rounded the corner and saw Lucy with a bleeding woman, Tenley rushed over. She slowly moved Lucy's hands to assess the damage. The woman was still alive, barely awake.

"She's losing a lot of blood," Tenley stated quietly. She ripped part of her dress hem off and wrapped it around the woman's neck. She looked at the woman and said, "You're going to be okay, but we need to get to a doctor with supplies."

The woman shook her head. Tenley furrowed her brow. The woman motioned to a door nearby. Tenley and Lucy turned to look at the door before exchanging glances.

"That door?" Tenley asked, pointing. The woman nodded. "Is that your home?" the doctor asked. The woman nodded again. "Okay."

Tenley looked up at Flynn and Rufus. "I'm going to need help getting her inside."

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