A Curious Tale

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Somme, France 1915

Private Smith had been ordered off the line. The four men had carefully followed the Private as he walked into the forest nearby. When they stopped to see where the Private was heading, they spied a small hut, intricately hidden amongst the trees and shrubs. Had they not been watching Private Smith, they would have potentially missed it entirely.

"What the hell is he...uh...she doing here?" Rufus asked, staring at the creepy hut she entered.

Flynn stated, "We better keep a lookout. Who knows if the sleepers are watching."

"So," Wyatt asked, turning to face Flynn. "What do you suggest we do? Split up?" There was a sharp edge to his voice. Connor and Rufus exchanged concerned glances at the tone.

"Good of a place to start," Flynn admitted.

"And I assume you're the one who's wanting to go in there," Wyatt retorted, motioning towards the hidden hut.

"You know," Flynn started. "Despite what you may think, I'm not the bad guy here. We're on the same team."

Rufus muttered something under his breath that no one quite heard and based on the look on his face, Rufus was thankful for that. Mason suggested, "Why don't you two go together and we'll wait here. If we see any movement in the forest, even the sleepers, we'll let you know."

Rufus's eyes grew in disbelief that Mason was suggesting this plan. Flynn had immediately agreed, just because he wanted to go home already. Wyatt seemed uncertain. Everyone - Flynn included - knew that Wyatt didn't trust Flynn. There was no denying that fact. Rufus didn't exactly trust Flynn either, but that didn't mean that Rufus was about to push the envelope and potentially get killed for speaking his mind.

Flynn simply looked at Wyatt and asked, "Shall we? Or would you rather debate this and let the sleepers get in there first?"

Wyatt sighed. "Fine. Just follow my lead. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Flynn replied with a mock salute.

As the two of them started carefully towards the camouflaged hut, Rufus asked, "Why would you suggest they go together? Are you trying to get them killed?"

"I highly doubt they'll get killed by that woman in there," Mason replied.

Rufus shook his head as he watched Flynn and Wyatt from their hiding spot. "I'm worried more about them killing each other."

Flynn and Wyatt carefully approached the hut's door. When they stopped, they listened. They could hear Smith walking around inside, but there was only one set of footsteps. They knew she was alone.

Flynn knocked on the door, much to Wyatt's frustration. When their eyes met, Flynn mouthed, "What?"

Wyatt whispered, "I told you to follow my lead."

Flynn gave him a half-hearted shrug and waited.

The soldier inside stood in the doorway, rifle pointed at them until she saw the uniforms they were, then she lowered her weapon. She looked between the two of them. "What are you doing out here?"

"Are you Dorothy Lawrence?" Wyatt asked.

Flynn looked over at his fellow teammate. "No decorum, I see."

Wyatt shook his head, ignoring Flynn. "Are you?" he asked again.

The soldier's face fell. "Who told you?"

"No one," Wyatt stated. "I've been a soldier too long, I knew that you weren't who you said you were."

"So what," she asked, letting them into the hut, which they followed her inside. "What are you going to do now? Turn me in to the officers?"

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