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Present Day

The team climbed out of the Lifeboat. When they were standing on solid ground, they filled Agent Christopher in on what had happened.

Everyone stood in the main room as Flynn explained what he had learned from the sleeper before the poison overtook him.

"That doesn't make sense," Lucy began. "Why would my mother start another 'evil' cult-organization?"

Rufus tilted his head at the comment. "Seems like a hobby for her."

Lucy ignored his jab and asked, "Are you sure you heard him right?"

Flynn turned his seemingly annoyed gaze over to her. "It's not the first time we've been told about this from these agents. It can't just be a coincidence."

"I just don't understand-" Lucy halted herself. It was clear that no one understood.

Agent Christopher turned her attention back to Flynn. "What else did you learn?"

He crossed his arms. "He warned me to heed the words of Edgar and Jack."

"Edgar and Jack?" Wyatt asked. "What do they have to do with it?"

Jiya chimed in. "Didn't they warn you against someone named Reynolds?"

"It's no coincidence," Flynn remarked. "It just can't be. Two different people, from two different time-periods?"

Denise nodded. "Agreed," she admitted. "Get some rest while you can. I'll keep looking into it."

The team dispersed towards their rooms. After changing, Tenley went back to the main living area to check up on Wyatt. The rest of the team had already gathered to grab a bite to eat.

Wyatt sat on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table as he watched a movie. It wasn't until Tenley sat next to him that she realized he was watching The Adventures of Robin Hood.

"So, you guys are telling me that he was really a Nazi sympathizer?" Wyatt asked.

Rufus bobbed his head up and down. "And a terrible actor."

"Please," Wyatt scoffed. "He was good at his craft before this movie ended it for him."

"I was hoping to check your wounds," Tenley stated.

Wyatt nodded. "Give me a minute." He reached for the remote and paused the movie. A wide smile broke out across his face. "Are you kidding me?"

Tenley glanced over her shoulder to see the paused movie. On the screen was the fight between the Merry Men and the sheriff's men. In the background, clear as day, was Rufus in his green costume - tights and all.

Rufus choked on his food as he spotted himself on the screen. Jiya's face lit up in pure amusement as she neared the TV to get a better look.

Wyatt stood up and turned around to look at Rufus. "You were a Merry Man?"

Rufus cleared his throat. "So was Flynn."

"No, I don't believe you," Wyatt remarked. "You're in the movie!"

"I'm never going to live this down, am I?" Rufus asked, clearly knowing the answer.

Wyatt laughed. "Never! This is so my favorite movie now!"

Lucy started to laugh at the scene unfolding.

Seeing Rufus squirm made Tenley feel bad for him. "Okay, cowboy, let's get you checked out."

As Wyatt laughed while heading to the infirmary, Tenley's eyes locked with Rufus, who nodded his thanks to her. She simply smiled back at him, following Wyatt down the hall.

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