A Truth Whispered At Night

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Meanwhile, Rufus and Lucy sat in the interrogation room of the police station. Rufus asked, "Do you think Wyatt and Tenley have had much success?"

Lucy shook her head. "Let's hope they've done better than we have."

Suddenly, they heard a commotion outside their room. The two exchanged glances. Rufus muttered, "This can't be good."

The police chief threw the door to their room open. He motioned for them to follow him. "Come. Hurry!"

The two didn't hesitate. They stood up and exited the room behind the chief. Lucy asked, "What's happened?"

The chief explained as they started out of the building into the night air, "There's been an incident." He turned to eye the two before saying, "Just like you said, the Pulaski is in trouble."

"How do you know?" Rufus asked. Last he heard, the ship was too far from the shore to have been seen when she went down.

The chief motioned them to climb into the carriage. "Witnesses on the shore where you said the ship would sink, saw an explosion nearby. We're heading that way to assist the survivors. I figured you'd like to be there too since you know so much about what's going on."

"Of course," Lucy replied. "Any way that we can help..."

As they rode in the carriage towards the last known place to have seen the ship, Lucy had looked at her watch. 10:34 pm. She nudged Rufus, showing him the time. The two didn't need to say any more. They knew that something had happened as history had been altered already.

They just prayed that they wouldn't be too late for their friends.

The carriage ride to the shore where witnesses saw the explosion seemed to take forever. Lucy and Rufus were starting to get antsy.

The chief looked at the two of them. "Is there anything else that you aren't telling me that I should be made aware of?"

"What?" Rufus muttered. "You believe us now?"

The chief wasn't amused. "Put yourself in my shoes. Would you believe you if you were me, and I walked into your station, claiming to have knowledge of a terrible disaster?"

Rufus gave a half shrug. "Maybe."

"You wouldn't," the chief pointed out. "You'd think that I was crazy." He turned his gaze onto Lucy. "Like I assumed the two of you to be." He glanced out the window of the carriage. "There's the ocean. In a few more miles, we should be arriving at the shore." He turned back to the two. "Anything else?"

Lucy bit her lip before saying, "If you have access to boats, you might want to send them out to meet the survivors. They most likely didn't have time to get the lifeboats ready."

The chief took in her advice. He asked, "How bad is it going to be?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. I wish that I did."

It wasn't much longer like the chief said before they arrived at the shore. It was a small stretch of beach, with high cliffs encasing it, tall trees surrounding the area. It was almost like a paradise hidden away on the coast; blink and you'd miss it completely as it was that secluded.

When the carriage had stopped, the chief immediately began barking orders to his men and the men from the next town. Everyone had taken off to fulfill their orders.

Lucy and Rufus stood in awe as they could see the ship on fire in the pitch-black night. The ship hadn't sunk yet, but it was most likely getting close. Rufus asked, "What do we do?"

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