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Izuku Midorya. A young English boy who lived in japan, and when he was 6 years old he had discovered the world of magic. He had just received his quirk, which seemed rather weak. He could only summon a deck of cards, which gave him one power: the power to have elements when they were thrown. They burst into one of four elements based on the house. Spades=Fire, Clubs=Earth, Hearts=Ice, Diamonds=Wind. Unfortunately, Izuku isn't very strong, so he can't throw them very far, and so he was mocked. Bullied even. And one day when he was 9...

Izuku was walking home when he sees a familiar little boy crying.

Izuku:"Are you ok Tsuyoshi?"
Boy:"*Sniff* I'm lost Izuku. *Sniff* can you help me?"
Izuku:"Of course! But let's put a smile on that face first!"

Izuku makes his deck of cards appear, which stun the little boy, making him have a wow expression.

Izuku:"Go on take one!"

The boy chooses one and looks at it.

Izuku:"Now put it back."

He does as says, and Izuku puts all the cards into a cuff formation in his hands. He blows on his now cuffed hands, and even tells the boy to blow some air on it too. Izuku reveals his hands which have nothing in them.

Izuku:"That's strange... oh gimme a minute..."
he reaches into his bag to find a card.

Izuku:"Was this your card?"

The boy shakes his head.
Then he flips the card to reveal another one.

Izuku:"How about this one?"

It was the card he chose!

Boy:"Woaaaaah! That's so cool!"
???:"Little bro!"

A pink skinned girl walks up to Izuku and the kid.

Mina:"Hi Izu! I see you've found my brother!"
Izuku:"Yep. Noticed he was a little familiar when I saw him."
Boy:"He did a super cool magic trick!"
Mina:"You know magic?"
Izuku:"A little dabble there, a little dabble..."

He looks at Mina and reaches into her hair to find a penny.

Mina:"Woaaaah! How'd you do that?"
Izuku:"A magician never reveals his secrets."
Mina:"Thanks again Izu!"

Mina had been Izuku's childhood friend and crush. He knew he never stood a chance with her, but he still stayed her friend and the two became very close over the years.

The two part ways.

Izuku:"Oh no."

Izuku turns around to see Katsuki, with tons of people ready to beat him into oblivion. Izuku doesn't put up a fight. I mean what can he do? He can't fight. His quirk isn't good enough to beat them.
They tie him up to a nearby tree and start mercilessly beating him. He doesn't get knocked out, but still takes in a lot hits.

???:"Hey! What are you doing to him!?"

They all run in different directions leaving a bloody Izuku to look up.

Izuku:"W-Who are you..."
???:"A hero."

He sees a man who looks like he needs coffee and bad.

Izuku:"A he-"
He passes out.

When he wakes up, he's in a hospital. Chain marks around his wrists, scars all over his chest, and a huge slice scar on his cheek from one of the kids quirks. He looked like shit.

???:"So you're finally up."

The same man was sitting next to Izuku in a chair.

Izuku:"S-Sir! Thank you for saving me!"
???:"Names Aizawa kid. And you're moving. Your mom was just in here thanking me, and she told me about you moving to America now. Have fun kid."

He leaves the room as Inko comes in, explains the plan and gets ready to pack their things. Izuku made one last call before their flight.

*RING... RING... RING...*

Izuku:"Hey Mina. Im moving. I just wanted to say I'll be back as soon as I can ok? I promise you. I'll be back for you."
Mina:"Ok. Stay in touch. Please."
Izuku:"I'll never let you down Mina. My planes boarding now. I'll text you later. Bye!"

As Izuku gets on the plane, he makes a vow. He will get stronger and stronger. To protect Mina.
He'll train until his power is the strongest in the world!

Broken house of cards. MHA  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now