Chapter 6.

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Izuku had decided to keep Ace and Mina a secret since it could put her in danger. But Izuku and Mina, and Ace and Persephone were fair game. They went to the movies, went shopping, and even slept together at Izuku's house. But both still haven't... become adults...
When they arrived at school, it took every fibre of their bodies to not make out or display any PDA. All might showed up for their next class, combat training. Ace kept his normal costume with a couple different tools for support. One of these was his deck holders. He put several cards in 4 different holders so that he could more efficiently pull out and throw cards.

All might:"Well you all look great! We're gonna be doing 2v2's! And you'll be selected by random chance! Just like real heroes!"

Ace is chosen to go against Bakugo and Todoroki with Kirishima as his partner.

Kiri:"I am so nervous!"
Ace:"It is a tough team we're up against."
Kiri:"And the fact I'm with the great Ace!"
Ace:"I'm not that special! And besides, I'm glad I got paired with you! Your quirk is good for this fight!"
Kiri:"I assume you have a plan then?"
Ace:"Listen up! First..."

Ace explains his plan to Kirishima who complies.
When it starts Todoroki freezes the entire building and he assumes it works until he hears a amount of footsteps cracking the Ice. He rushes over to the footsteps while Bakugo looks for Ace for their first real fight.
Todoroki finds Kirishima using his quirk on his feet making spikes that crack the ice as he walks.

Kiri:"Lets fight!"
Todoroki:"Where's the other one."
Kiri:"Dont know! He just kinda went his own way. It's just me and you!"

Todoroki launches a bunch of ice attacks that Kiri breaks with punches and dodges by running up the walls with his new technique.


Ace was walking around looking for Bakugo until he nearly gets hit by an explosion he dodges.

Ace:"Really? Explosion surprise?"
Bakugo:"Fight me!"

He launches a hearts card which causes the hallway to be blocked by an ice wall.
He runs away and hides behind a wall waiting for Bakugo. When he explodes through the wall and turns the corner that Ace was hiding next to, he stops. A bunch of cards were stuck all around him in the walls. Ace had used a new a new technique with his deck holder: QuickDraw. It's pretty self explanatory. He draws cards quickly. Bakugo sees Ace standing at the end of the hall with a smirk.

Ace:"Trap move: Hall of boom!"
Bakugo:"Oh no."
Ace:"OH YEAH!"

He throws a spades card which detonates the rest of them, causing a massive explosions one after the other. Bakugo gets thrown around by the explosions sending him flying towards Ace, who launches a punch with OFA at 10% straight in his face sending him through several walls and outside the building.

Ace:"God that was so much more brutal than I wanted it to be!"

He runs off to help Bakugo, only to find he's unconscious. So flies up with air platforms to the roof. He then busts in through a window.

Ace:"Fusion move: STONE BARRIER!"

He throws a clubs and diamonds card in a circle around the bomb which cause a bubble of stone to encase the bomb. He walks into it and touches the bomb.

Hero team wins!

Todoroki looks behind him to see that Kirishima was just a distraction.

Ace:"Sorry Todo! You forgot to protect the bomb! Great job both of you! You all put up a good fight!"

The day ends and Izuku and Mina go on a date before they get back to Izuku's house.

Izuku:"Where do you want to go ma chérie?"
Mina:"Where I really want to be in your bed~ but let's go wherever you think a date should be!"

They walk towards the park hand in hand, and when they reach a cherry blossom on top of a hill, Izuku sits Mina down next to him.

Mina:"This spot is beautiful! How did you find it?"
Izuku:"I was looking for spots to confess to you and heard a rumour that if you ask under a cherry blossom they'll return your feelings sure..."
Mina:"Where'd you hear that from?"
Izuku:"Eh some fan of mine by the name of Ayano."
Mina:"Well I would've regardless."

She pulls him for a kiss which lasts several seconds. When they pull away Mina sits down on Izuku's lap.

Mina:"You know, it took you so long to confess, I thought it would never come. But the way you did it to Persephone was incredible. Very smooth. How long did you practice?"
Izuku:"At least a year..."

Mina bursts out laughing.

Izuku:"Shut up... it took so much courage to do that on stream too..."
Mina:"How about I shut you up with my mouth~"

She pulls him for another kiss which was so much more passionate than all times before.

Mina:"I love you Izu~"
Izuku:"I love you too~"

They get up and walk home for a night of fun~
(I'm not doing Lemon. I'm not good at it. Sorry to disappoint.)


???:"You really think this'll work?"
???:"Young master he will be there. Then we'll have two targets to kill."
???:"I suppose you're right. Still, what if this fails?"
???:"It won't. The master designed it to kill All might in his prime. It won't fail."
???:"If you insist. But if it falls, then you get me out of there. Understood?"
???:"Good. Let's get the info first, then we will strike."

Broken house of cards. MHA  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now