Chapter 1.

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Izuku was now 13 years old. Three years after the events that caused him to move to America. He had taken the online personality known as Ace. He was on Viewtube, and had 50 million subs. Suffice to say, he was popular. He never revealed his face or real name. He always hid behind a green mask that covered his eyes with one way lenses. He did magic for people's fun now. Of course he was still doing school, but took most of his time to do magic with guests. He was guests on several shows, and even got an award for his magic. He was viewed as a bright colourful and fun loving magician. And he sort of was. But when it came to everything else? He was a stone wall. He was barely noticed. And he didn't like it. Funny that he got so popular and had to make an online persona, but he liked the anonymity of being Ace just a bit. None of those problems that celebrities usually have. Unfortunately he was an amazing hero. So he transferred to several schools as Ace. He got tons of requests from hero schools who wanted Ace for his attitude and quirk. Because he became a magician he got a lot more adept at his quirk. Back when he was studying and throwing cards, he realized his cards don't just have the attributes of the elements, they're gateways to more control over the elements. Sure he could use them as now katana sharp throwing cards like usual, but they were much more powerful. In fact, Ace has world records in card throwing for most accurate throw, farthest distance thrown, (5km. For those who don't think that's insane the current world record is 65m.) farthest target hit, and most cards thrown in 30 seconds, (50. That's almost an entire deck of cards.) and his elemental attributes were only powered up further. He could control the size of his explosions of elements, and even use his cards differently. By crushing a card in his hand, depending on the house, he could have complete control over and create said element for 5 minutes. This does have a cool down of thirty seconds however.

He loved being Ace, and he loved doing hero studies. Honestly, he didn't miss being Izuku Midorya at all. He didn't think about his true identity at all for a long time. Then, he was offered to go to UA under the recommendation exam. He refused. Why? Because he wanted to make an appearance at the entrance exam. He figured a lot of people would be going there and that it would be easier. He and Mina were still best friends, and Izuku even developed a bit of a crush on her. She was the only one besides his mom who knew he was Ace. He told her he would be going to the entrance exam so that they could go together. As Ace of course. He knew his old bully would be there and he wanted to rub his fame in his face.

His plane landed at the nearest airport where he met Mina. He was extremely different from the way he was 3 years ago. He was HOT. Had gorgeous green eyes, and had hair with for different highlights at the ends of his hair. Red, blue, green, and white. He was very toned and Mina had noticed this.

Mina:"*Blush* W-Wow Izu! You look amazing!"
Izuku:"*Blush* Yeah, I guess so! You look as great as ever~"
Mina:"Oooooh! Flirty aren't we!"
Izuku:"I guess my online persona has increased my confidence a bit! Speaking of which the entrance exams are tomorrow right?"
Mina:"Yep! You wanna hit up the town before we do?"
Izuku:"I actually have a surprise for you! Just follow me!"

Izuku takes Mina out to a limousine where they then head to a really popular convention known as X-po. It was where online celebrities, heroes and others would have panels to answer questions, show new works etc!

Mina:"Woah! How'd you get tickets?"
Izuku:"Ace! Has some perks eh?"
Izuku:"There is one catch. I have to do a panel as Ace."
Mina:"UGH! Fine. But I get to be in the audience not one of your helpers."
Izuku:"Of course! I even made arrangements so that mines last panel of the day. so let's have fun!"

Izuku and Mina went from booth to booth, even getting a few pieces of Ace merch which made Izuku laugh. They played some games, which Izuku won most of. Then they played DDR and Mina won.

The Ace panel is starting in 30 minutes!

Izuku:"Thats my cue! Better find a seat!"
Mina:"I'll see you in there!"

Izuku walks into his change room, puts on his signature outfit: a blue and green fancy coat, black pants, his mask and a classy top-hat. He gets into character, and waits backstage.

Announcer:"Hey everybody! Welcome to the Ace panel! We've got a good show for you! But let's bring on the man himself Ace!"

Ace walks on stage and gives everybody a peace sign.

Ace:"Heya! Thanks for coming everyone! If I may miss, what's the schedule?"
Announcer:"First is a Q/A, then a couple tricks, then lastly a card trick shot! Are you up for it?"
Ace:"Hell Yeah I am! Let's get it started!"

A line of people form as Ace starts answering question after question.

Rando:"What was your inspiration for magic?"
Ace:"Easy! When I saw the smiles that magic can give I needed to do it!"
Rando:"What do your parents think about you?"
Ace:"My moms the only one left, but she's proud of me!"
Rando:"Whats your opinion on the quirkless?"
Ace:"Quirkless or not, no one deserves the treatment they get. Quirkless discrimination is very rampant nowadays, and honestly I hate it. Especially the people who say they can't be a hero. Look at people like Eraserhead. His quirk isn't what makes him a good hero. It's his natural strength he got from training. Anyone can be a hero. Even the Quirkless. They just need to train."
Rando:"How's your love life?"
Ace:"Wow. I wasn't expecting this so late! I'll give you what you want. I do have a crush on a girl. But that's all you get."
Rando:"Are you going to UA?"
Ace:"Yep! Gonna be a great hero! I hope to see some fans at UA!"
Announcer:"I think that's enough! Let's get two magic tricks from Ace!"

Ace summons two cards, the 5 of spades and hearts. He throws them making them collide in the air, causing a smoke screen.

He gathers the smoke in his hands and releases it in the shape of a dove. He takes his top hat off to reveal ten more smoke doves. Everybody claps. He then taps his hat and puts it back on his head. He summons a deck of cards again.

Ace:"I'm gonna need a volunteer!"

Several people raise their hand and Ace picks a yellow haired boy with a bolt in his hair.

Ace:"Whats your name?"
???:"Kaminari Denki!"
Ace:"Big fan Kami?"
Kami:"Yep! Been watching you for a while!"
Ace:"That's amazing! Why don't you pick a card?"

Kami reaches out and picks a card. Then puts it back.

Ace:"Now I'm gonna put all the cards in my hat, and choose your card out of it."

Ace does as he just said, then taps the hat.
He looks in it to make a shocked face.

Ace:"My my! Where did they go?"

He tips his hat over only to have nothing fall out!

Ace:"Kami, if you would please check the hat and confirm there's nothing inside."

Kami takes a good look. He then confirms.

Ace:"Great! Now..."

Ace takes off his coat and puts it on his shoulders. He then looks inside his hat one more time. He puts his hat back on.

Ace:"Hmmm? What's this?"

He takes his hat off again, then shakes it to reveal a card that falls out, into his hand.

Ace:"Was this your card?"
Kami:"Wow! It was!"

Kami takes his seat again, as Ace spends the rest of his panel making shots with a deck of cards provided to him.

Ace:"Thanks everyone for coming down! Have a great day! Stay safe everyone!"

Ace leaves The stage to find Mina waiting outside where he switches back to his normal personality.

Mina:"You did great!"
Izuku:"Aww. Thanks Mina."

They walk off after Izuku gets his things, and they chat all the way home.
Tomorrow was the entrance exams...

Broken house of cards. MHA  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now