Chapter 8

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Ace:"Ace's log, day 30. There's no food on this damn boat! I think I may be going crazy, I'm starting to hear voices."
Tsuyu:"So Ace-"
Ace:"HOLY SHIT! Sorry! You startled me! can you get my mask or not?"
Tsuyu:"Most likely not. There's more villains crowded around now. I would be killed."
Ace:"Well that cant happen. Fine. Guess I'll have to make do with something else."

He takes a card and cuts off a piece of his suit. He cuts eyeholes into it, then wraps it around his head.

Ace:"It's no mask, but it'll do."

He stand up with his new bandana around his face, and stands towards the water.

Ace:"Let's see if this'll work. Quick draw move: Winters lake!"

He throws several hearts cards at the water around him, freezing it and the villains inside completely.

Ace:"Man. I put them on ice! Wasn't that cool?"

Tsuyu just stares.

Ace:"Oh come on! No need to be so cold! You could at least say ice job!"

Ace gets hit in the head by Tsuyu.

Tsuyu:"Stop. This is not the time."
Ace:"geez. Your making me shiver. Alright. Just stay frosty."
Ace:"I use comedy when I'm scared."
Tsuyu:"Your scared?"
Ace:"Of course I am. Who wouldn't be? I'm not some action hero. Fear is natural for everyone. True courage shines when you push past your fear!"

Ace is standing tall, looking proud over a sea of frozen enemies.

Tsuyu:"This would be great if you were speaking in front of a crowd."
Ace:"Way to ruin the moment."



Now back to your scheduled programming.

Ace:"I'm gonna go save Aizawa."
Tsuyu:"I'm coming too!"
Mineta:"As am I!"

They both look to see the grape boi.

Ace:"When the hell did you get here?"
Mineta:"I've been here the whole time."
Ace:"Man im so sorry. I didn't know."
Mineta:"It's alright. Let's just head to the center."

When they get off the boat they slide across the ice and reach some bushes next to the center.

Play music.

They see a bird monster standing on their teacher.

Ace:"W-What is that thing?"
Mineta:"Whatever it is, it almost killed Aizawa!"
Shigaraki:"Hello students in the bushes. Come out before I kill you."
Ace:"Nice going Mineta."

Ace, Tsuyu, and Mineta walk out to see a gruesome sight. Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoto, Momo, Jiro, Ojiro, and Sato, lying on the floor in front of the beast, bloody and broken.

Ace:"Dear god..."
Shigaraki:"So you see that my Nomu is more powerful than you can hope to be."
Mineta:"Are you going to kill us?"
Shigaraki:"Nah. Waiting for All might. As long as you don't put up a fight.... you'll stay alive."

Ace throws cards at the Nomu trying to stun it in any way.

Shigaraki:"Oh boy! A volunteer! Nomu! Kill him!"

Ace barely dodges the Nomu's sudden rush, throwing two hearts cards at its feet which hold it in place.

Ace:"Fusion move: THUNDERSTRUCK!"

A huge lightning bolt hits the Nomu making it squeal in pain. It breaks out of the ice restraints and rushes once more at Ace. Ace responds by jumping in the air and throwing several Diamonds cards at it.

Ace:"Quick draw move: EARTHS FURY!"

Hundreds of sharp pillars form piercing the Nomu. At this moment, Ace runs out of Diamonds cards.

Ace:"That ought to do it."

The Nomu takes a moment... then rips out the pillars from its body. It's wounds heal as Ace starts plan B.

Ace:"How about this then! Quick draw move: BELOW ZERO BLIZZARD!"

Every Hearts card is thrown at the Nomu, completely freezing it. Then it breaks out of its encasing. It throws many punches at Ace, who's grown desperate.

Ace:"What about this! Quick draw move: GALE FORCE WINDS!"

What feels like a concentrated tornado is sent flying at the Nomu causing several blows extremely rapidly. But the Nomu shrugs it off.

Shigaraki:"Shock absorption. And you're almost out of cards! Only the spades left. Go ahead and try it."
Ace:"Maybe I will! Quick draw move: Solar laser!"

Ace holds all of his Spades in one hand, then throws them all, causing a giant laser of heat to pierce the Nomu.

Shigaraki:"Oh no! Anyways."

The Nomu regenerates again. Causing Ace to drop to his knees.

Shigaraki:"You can't change the cards you're dealt. So lay down and die."

Then Ace starts to laugh. He laughs maniacally until he turns to Shigaraki.

Ace:"Name every card in a deck."
Ace:"Do it. As my final wish, since I'm obviously about to die."
Shigaraki:"Fine. 1-10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace."
Ace:"Knew it. You forgot one. The strongest card in the deck."
Shigaraki:"What are you talking about."

Ace starts to glow black and white.

Ace:"In every deck there's two cards that are overpowered. And I happen to have both on my side. One for life..."

A card appears glowing white which Ace throws at his friends. Their wounds start to heal immediately. Then another card shows up glowing black.

Ace:"And one for death."

He throws it at the Nomu. It screams in pain as black flames and lightning surround it. It then disintegrates still screaming until it slows down... then stops.

Ace:"Joker move: White Life and Black Death."
Shigaraki:"That's not possible! What was that?!"
Ace:"The most powerful cards in the deck. The Jokers."
Shigaraki:"You Cheater! That's not how you were supposed to play this game of ours!"
Ace:"You know what they say..."

Ace's eyes shine revealing light green mixed with blood red.

Ace:"If you cant change the cards you're dealt... change the way you play."

Broken house of cards. MHA  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now