Chapter 5.

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Ace:"Well. That was expected. Way to go Mina."
Mina:"How could I know?"
Ace:"Im not even gonna answer that."
Aizawa:"Good. Then you can shut up and listen."
Ace:"*Whisper*Ok Tiffany."
Aizawa:"We're starting with the dash."

Ace easily wins all of the tests. For the dash, he used his Wind dash technique, (The one with the cards under his feet) almost beating Iida.
For the jump he uses the same technique with a boost from an earth pillar. His earth pillars have traction that make standing upside down possible, but he can release the traction at any time. With enough force and then releasing the traction, he gets sent flying. For the grip test, he uses a fusion move he's been working on.

Ace:"Fusion move: Golem!"

He throws a clubs and diamonds card making a whirlwind that hardens to become a Golem made of stone. The golem crushes the grip.

Aizawa:"Well done."
Ace:"*whistle* Those fusion moves are powerful! Wonder what else I can do..."
Aizawa:"Id like to know that too. Get rid of the Golem."
Ace:"I have no idea how!"

Aizawa facepalms.

Aizawa:"Ashido. Dissolve it."
Mina:"Yes sir!"

Mina sprays it with acid, which dissolved it. Ace frowns. He wanted to keep it.
Next for the sit ups he wins from sheer will and stamina. Next was side steps. He gets an idea. It's not a very good one.

Ace:"Fusion move:Lightning enhance!"

He throws the cards that make the lightning but it strikes straight down onto Ace, causing a dust cloud. When the dust clears, Ace is covered in a blue and green lightning that flows out his body, as he moves incredibly fast side to side.

Everyone stares as he crushes the record. When the time stops, he falls on one knee.

Aizawa:"That was insanely dangerous! Are you feeling ok?"
Ace:"I am in so much pain! Luckily I have a cure! Triple fusion: Healing snow!"

He throws a clubs, Diamonds, and Hearts card up into the air causing a huge cloud that makes green snow fall onto the field. It starts a flurry, which makes everyone brace for impact. But when it hits they feel like their stamina has returned, and all injuries have been healed up.

Kami:"Woah! How'd you do that?"
Ace:"*Huff* it's *Huff* a triple fusion. *Huff* it takes *Huff* a lot *Huff* out of *Huff* me. But it's really *Huff* strong."
Mina:"Why didn't it restore your stamina?"
Ace:"*Huff* It did *Huff* I just have a
cool-down period where I can't move for healing snow. Speaking of which, I think it's over."
Aizawa:"That's really impressive. Got any other triple fusions?"
Izuku:"Come on Aizawa. Don't you like surprises? I don't like using them very much, so I'll demonstrate them when I have to."
Aizawa:"Fair enough."

Next was the long distance dash. They had to run for as long in laps. Ace finds this one comical.

Ace:"Let's try this! Icy highway!"

He throws a hearts card on an angle that makes it spin across the entire field. It creates a road of ice that Ace proceeds to skate elegantly on.
He even does a couple of tricks and jumps.

Bakugo:"No need to show off!"
Ace:"That's literally my job!"

Ace on his 30th lap, throws another hearts card that makes another path right in front of Mina.
He picks her up and she starts to skate with him.

Ace:"Care for a dance madam?"
Mina:"*Blush* Of course!"

He skates and dances with her for a lap flirting and dancing the tango while skating, before throwing a diamonds card that carries Mina back to her standing position.
She gets a few stares from her classmates before smiling at them, with implications of "I know him"
He smiles and speeds up, going for 60 laps at which Aizawa got bored and stopped him.
The last test was the ball throw. Ace threw the ball then threw a bunch of Spades cards which made explosions, propelling the ball with each card. He threw about 5 before he couldn't hit the ball again.

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