Chapter 9.

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Shigaraki:"Oh you think you're so cute don't you?"
Ace:"Bitch I'm adorable."
Shigaraki:"Lets see how cute you are when I disintegrate your face!"

Shigaraki rushes at Ace and tries to grab his face, but grabs his bandana instead. He then jumps back.

Shigaraki:"Kurogiri! We leave."
Ace:"What was the point of that?"
Shigaraki:"Well... you'll see..."

Shigaraki walks into a portal behind him.

Mina:"Ummm. Ace?"
Ace:"Yes Mina?"

Ace feels his face again.

Ace:"Well shit. This is bad."

Ace blushes up. The entire class rushes up to him. They ask him several questions about him and who he really is, but Ace tenses up, looses character, and starts to panic.

Izuku:"A-Ah! I-I-I... *deep breath* I'll tell you all when we get back."

Suddenly Izuku starts to feel dizzy. He stumbles a bit before passing out.

Izuku:"Oh shit!"

He falls face first on the floor.

Everyone looks to see a villain who looked Ace straight in the eyes.

Villain:"Gotcha! This is my last bad deed as a villain. Enjoy it children!"

He tries running off but runs into several pros including All might.

Villain:"I surrender."

Mina rushes up to the villain despite efforts from her classmates to hold her back.

Vilain:"Eh. Not gonna tell."
Mina:"Oh yeah? How about I burn your skin off your flesh? Or are you willing to tell now?"

Mina puts some acid on the villains head. Just enough to hurt him.

Villain:"AH! OK OK! My quirk is called memory loss. If I stare someone in the eye and concentrate... they lose their memory."
Villain:"You can't. You just have to wait. Don't know till when. Could be a week, or a year."

The vilain smiles and gets taken off by the pros.

Mina falls to her knees in front of Izuku in tears. At this point, the people Izuku healed woke up with no wounds or stress at all.

Bakugo:"What happened?"

They look at Izuku with some wounds, passed out.

Toru:"Wait... that's Izuku?!"
Ojiro:"What happened here? Last thing I remember is being pummelled by the bird monster."
Mineta:"He killed the bird thing. And healed you. But a villain wiped his memory and made him pass out. He saved us at a great cost."

They all stare at Mineta.

Bakugo:"What the hell happened to you?"
Mineta:"What? I'm smarter than I look."
Kirishima:"That's saying something."
Mineta:"Shut it redhead."

Everyone starts to laugh.

Mina:"SHUT UP!"

Everyone stares at Mina. They had never heard her yell. Ever.


Everyone looks down. There's complete silence. And then...


Shoto kneels down and starts to ice over his wounds. He then picks him up by the arm and swings him around his shoulder.

Shoto:"Lets get him to a hospital."
Bakugo:"Here. I'll help."

Bakugo picks up the other arm and helps carry him out to an ambulance.
Mina follows, still in tears.

She, Bakugo, and Shoto all sit in the ambulance with him as they head to the hospital.

Wake up idiot.

Izuku wakes up to find himself to find himself in a dark void at a poker table.

Izuku:"Ugh... Where the hell am I?"

Do I really need to answer that for you again?

Izuku:"Nah. I know where we are... Dealer."

Oh good you do remember me.

Izuku:"How could I forget my trusty card dealer?"

I don't know. You're an idiot.

Izuku:"Eh. Fair enough."

Up for another game?

Izuku:"What happened when I was out there. You know. Before I passed out."

You're going to lose your memory because of one of the villains quirks.

Izuku:"Great... any cures?"

Dealer deals cards to Izuku.

Time. It heals all wounds.

Izuku:"Is that a new element I hear?"

You catch on fast as always. Yes a new element is going to be added to your arsenal. The element of time. If you win this game. 21.


If you win, 1 week without memory and a new element. If you lose 1 year without memory and no new element.

Izuku:"Deal. You know I love my stakes to be high."

Dealer deals two cards to Izuku.

Izuku:"Hit me."

He deals another card.


Oh? Bad luck?

Izuku:"Not exactly. You deal now."

Dealer deals three card to himself.

21. Looks like I win.

Izuku:"Nope. 21. You know our rules. A tie is houses loss."

Lucky as always aren't we?


Take it and get back to your world.

A card floats in front of Izuku. An Ace of clocks? He snatches it and gets up.

Izuku:"Pleasure doing business with you."

Whatever. You know my boss isn't going to be happy I lost again.

Izuku:"What do you have to worry about? You're an eternal luck demon."

If I'm fired I won't be so eternal. The casino of souls can only be up for so long. You're lucky you're our favorite customer.

Izuku laughs.

Izuku:"See you around dealer!"

Good luck! We hope to serve you again soon. Real soon...

Izuku wakes up.

Izuku:"Ah! What! Where! Who!?"
Mina:"Izu! You're awake!"

Izuku looks at her puzzled.

Izuku:"Do I know you?"

Broken house of cards. MHA  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now